i18n.getMessage() does not work in real time (or so )?

so i’m trying to localize the content of my popup

so i use i18n.getMessage() when loading the popup and it works ok

then i change the language of the ui of firefox

and reopen my popup, it still calls all the i18n.getMessage() but they stay in the previous language

if i reload my extension then i get the right localization for my popup

(and if i re-change the language of the ui then my popup stay in the previous language again)

is this like er normal?

so i made an xpi and turned off xpinstall.signatures.required to have my extension stay when i restart firefox and indeed when i restart firefox after changing the language of the ui my popup has the right localization

also the calls to i18n.getUILanguage() are always right contrary to the calls to i18n.getMessage()