Hi Reps,
The following are the list of Reps who will be graduate to Alumni after next week.
One month ago, we had sent an email to all the Reps without any report since March 2018, asking them to update the activity, if they’re still actively contributing (or kindly reach back to us if they had difficulty on the portal)
Some had successfully updated the profile, but we still haven’t heard anything from the following Reps.
If you know any of them are still active, please pinging them to report their activities on Rep portal before next Wednesday, May 15
- Achraf Fouwad
- Amit Kumar Jaiswal
- Ankit Bahuguna
- Avash Mulmi
- Christos Bacharakis
- Elio Qoshi
- Goce Mitevski
- Hari Priya
- Harsha Bandaru
- Harsha Vardhan
- Ivan Zeledon
- Joshua Rubin
- Kailas PATIL
- Kushagra Varade
- Mahmood Qudah
- Maneshwar Anubha
- Mohamed Hafez
- Muhammad Hasan Ahmed
- Njungle nges Brian
- Noureddine Bellounis
- Priyanka Nag
- Raj Nilayam
- Shafique Patni
- Sujit Maharjan
- Surit Aryal
- Tanha Islam
- Tina Verbo
- Vibhanshu Chaudhary
- Viorela Ioia
- Vnisha Srivastav
- Ziggy Maes
- Zilmar de Souza Junior
On behalf of the Rep Council