Hello Reps,
Council is delighted to announce that we have a new feature on our Reps
portal to recognize the awesome work and achievements of the Reps who have
left the program.
The new feature is called “Alumni”, this allow us to list former Reps in
the portal and be able to check their old profiles and contributions.
“Once a Rep, always a Rep Alumni!”
Also we have improved the policy around leaving the program so we can
provide better flexibility to people that need some time off the program
and would love to return later.
If you are going to be away from your reps duties for more than 3 months,
you are going to be asked to activate the “Alumni” status. If later you
have time again to return to the program you won’t have to re-apply,
instead, you will contact your former mentor and attend a update call to
talk about your goals for the next months and to learn what happened in the
program during your absence.
We are confident that these changes will bring more visibility to the Reps
program and give all more flexibility in your contributions.