Inappropriate Themes

Thanks, @VanillaOrchids! Sorry for taking so long to respond to this – looks like it was moderated.

No problem. I did notice that it had been taken care of.
I report this theme that perhaps was rejected for “Inappropriate or offensive content” because Daniele Poli is name and surname of a person and translated overall from Italian means
Daniele Poli must die

Thanks, @candelora! I just removed the theme.

This design has a pedobear on it and the designers username is Pedobear as well.

This design is a duplicate of a design already online and doesn’t have a pedobear graphic on it; however, the title of the design is: toxic city pedobear

Thanks @VanillaOrchids! I just removed both themes.

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I think this one might be questionable since it has the text “Commit Suicide” on it.

I just took this down – it could be interpreted as glamorizing suicide.

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Duplicate designs showing a guy with a gun (albeit probably not a real gun) to his head.

I was just going to report this one. Thank you for doing it first!

I’ve seen the commercials with these two guys that are featured in this theme but I don’t recall one of them pointing a gun at the other.

Can I get this one double checked, please? Thanks in advance.

Hi @Pam, this one’s ok. :slight_smile:

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Okay, great! Thanks for checking.

How about this one?

A Pedobear design.

Sorry, I did not notice the description…

I have approved this theme
before receiving the email that another reviewer had flagged it.
Indeed also I thought it was at the limit because of the topless, but at the end the overlapping on the car seemed to me so confused that could accept it.
Obviously every decision about is fine, I just wanted to report the disguise :thinking:

it is possible that among various arms there are two breasts with nipples? :confused: or is it just the tip of a finger?