Whenever I give an audio file, the correct first word is inferred and it skips the rest of the auio.
Doing transfer learning on urdu language
Whenever I give an audio file, the correct first word is inferred and it skips the rest of the auio.
Doing transfer learning on urdu language
So, again, share context. There’s nothing we can do with that.
I created a lm and hence a scorer
for training:
!python3 deepspeech/DeepSpeech.py \
--drop_source_layers 1 \
--alphabet_config_path using_data/my_new_alphabets.txt \
--save_checkpoint_dir output_checkpoints2 \
--load_checkpoint_dir output_checkpoints2 \
--train_files using_data/train.csv \
--test_files using_data/test.csv \
--export_dir output_checkpoints2/model\
--log_dir output_checkpoints2/model\
--scorer_path deepspeech/data/lm/kenlm.scorer \
--n_hidden 2048 \
--noearly_stop \
--learning_rate 0.00095 \
--dropout_rate 0.22 \
--epochs 5
for inference:
!deepspeech --model output_checkpoints2/modeeellllllll/output_graph.pb --audio 001FCN017.wav --scorer deepspeech/data/lm/kenlm.scorer >> text_file.txt
It always writes one work (the first one ) ( correctly) even for 7sec audios.
@i140224_ma Please close this thread and SHARE ALL THE INFORMATIONS IN ONE THREAD ONLY, I’m getting really upset having to constantly switch between N threads to get a clear picture of your status.