Introducing TinyWebEx – tiny ES6 modules to simplify WebExtension development

The TinyWebEx modules are a collection of ES6 JavaScript modules for WebExtensions, also called add-ons in the Mozilla world.
They make common tasks you need to do in your add-on simpler without requiring you to ship with a lot of dependencies (that’s why we call them tiny). This is also made possible, because we do not support older browsers.

from the main Readme

Basically, these are modules I have extracted from my first add-on (the Offline Qr Code Generator), refined with unit-tests and properly documented.
Also, I’ve already included/used them in other add-ons.

Obviously, they are made in a way anyone can use them and quite ready already.

Still TODO…

However, i have to say some things really still need some work. At first, I really need some ideas for an icon:wink:

But anyway, they are used in production already, so production-ready™.


You can, e.g.:

My main use case was to split them, so I can re-use them by myself, but I feel it’s a good idea to share it with the wider community, that’s why I’ve opened this thread. :smiley:


I’d really like to see some “in action” screenshots that show how you could use some of these modules.

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Well, these are quite “low-level” libs for developers, so screenshots are often difficult. But I’ll add it to my list.

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