Im trying to publish my first extension, but the Add-on URL: im getting seems not to work?
Any one know why / how to solve this so i can have a link i can share over my youtube?
(I deleted all info about my extension exept the part i dont understand in the picture below).
Did you upload the extension as unlisted? What is the exact URL you’re trying to use? The … stand for a couple of skipped path segments.
Well my extension is violating the terms (gambling), so on " How to Distribute this Version" i said “self promote”.
but i did not touch any part “unlisted”
the URL link i see on my developer site is:…/dab354222570464d84a8test
(and that is also what i copy paste)
Hi @saaruppoulsen. If your add-on is unlisted it won’t show up on the user-facing side of AMO. You should have gotten an email with instructions for how to download the signed .xpi. Can you check to see if you got it? It might be in your spam folder.
Cait i got a email from my FIRST upload that was NOT self promoting… but that was not allowed, its against AMO to use betting sites or something (HATE PC!!!)… and AFTER it was decline i put THIS on “unlisted”.
Then i post same script again, but as selfpromotion, and here i get no email, and the link seems like not working?
In 2 sek, i send you the 3 pics of informatino i have givin so far
First i choice self promotion
Secoundly i find my extension:
lastly :
and now i end up with THIS:
and THAT link dosent work
wait i got an email now with
but its not a download mirror… and ONLY developers can download it?
You need to download the .xpi file from that link and then you can distribute it to whoever you like. Other people won’t be able to access it from that URL.
FYI the reason we don’t allow gambling add-ons on AMO is because they are illegal in the country in which Mozilla is based.
This is what open op when i open the link? how / where should i download the .xpi here?
WHAT?! is CSGO skins actully by law a currency and then its betting? :o coss CSGOskins in many country is not betting coss betting by definition is with currency ^^
Right click on the version number and save the file.
ahh thanks man! Really appriciated the time you took to help me !
Well now i got it…
I uploaded the file to my google drive, made my youtube video…
And then i hear from viewers the link is not working…
When they download the file i got from right click on version number and save the file. that one ONLY worked on my computer (not on others)…
but then i try add my other computer as a coder on the project… and the the install work fine xD
is there no way i can share a installation file to like 10000 of my viewers? (not like manually need to invite every single person O.o)
You are hosting the extension-name.xpi file on Google Drive? What happens when someone accesses the file – does Firefox detect it as an extensional installation or want to save it to disk? For more convenience, you may need to host it on a web server, or your users will need to install it through the Add-ons page, “gear” menu, Load from File.
AHH the add-on page, “gear” menu, and load from file worked perfect for me!!!
and also tested that solution on my lap top ! so i think that one will be working for me in the furture !
Thanks alot for that advice !