A few years ago there was a totally handy Firefox extension called Lazarus that could retrieve text previously entered on a form, comments, etc.–text that would otherwise be lost. Lazarus installed with a right-button menu item and, I think, a keyboard shortcut. Maybe a developer with lockdown time on their hands could revive Lazarus.
Check out
Tnx. I tried both those form-saving apps in testing to retrieve a comment made and submitted on a simple webform. Simple Form History showed a menu topped by search terms submitted an hour ago to Google, while FormSave produced a popup menu with my recently submitted comment text as the first item, and I clicked to retrieve into a blank form in that website. I don’t know how broadly FormSave will work, but the app makers may want to broaden its name and utility.
i m looking for it also. sadly this stupid internet get more worse every year.