Looking for add-ons for this next-gen Firefox thingy I apparently now have (it won't leave)

The engineers at Mozilla really outdid themselves with this new generation of Firefox technology. Truly! Its interface is very… in-your-face 3D-like. Awesome.

It seems it’s here to stay, because it apparently “digs my crib” and shows no sign of leaving any time soon, so I’d like to customize it. But I can’t find any add-ons for it on AMO. Does anyone have any idea where I might start?

Watch on Youtube.

Joking aside, this first video goes out to all the AMO reviewers and admins who worked so hard to turn the review queues around into the awesome state they are in today. As a developer of five add-ons myself, I truly appreciate it. So share it if you like it? #matchhead :slight_smile:


Thanks brotha!!

Is that you in that vid?

Yep. :slight_smile:

Wow super nice video editing skills! What do you use Camtasia?

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Used Blender for the animation, Audacity for the audio work, and Corel VideoStudio Pro for the editing and bringing everything together.

Wow that’s awesome!! With all your time going into addon dev where did you pick up those skills?

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Stubbornness allied with a strict time-management/priority-setting philosophy. Not having a girlfriend helps with having more free time too. :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’m glad you like it, considering I learned pretty much learned how to animate as I did it, that means a lot!

Hahaha it’s total awesomeness and worth it. I do some screencast recording with Camtasia, but nothing at that level.