Major performance problems

Here example of code that works with 60fps on chrome and 12fps on firefox:
Why they drastically different?

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Also this type of SVG filters have a bugs on some pc.

Hi munrocket, thanks for posting.

This discourse is about Firefox DevTools, your issue seems to be about Firefox in general. Maybe file a bug under Core/Canvas: 2D on Bugzilla?

Thanks for clarifying. Maybe we see bug.

Just a note when you file the bug. I tested this in Firefox 66 and Nightly 68. While in Firefox 66 it looks like in your screenshot, in Nightly the filters get rendered like in Chrome.

Though in Nightly the framerate also dropped drastically, from ~30fps to ~10fps.


I did a quick search on bugzilla, and it looks like Firefox implements the blur SVG filter in software while others do it in hardware. This might be resolved with WebRender (although on my environment WebRender seems to perform worse in this case).