I published new addon 2 month ago and was waiting for a long time for it’s review. Last week i did notice that there were 1 review note added, because every time i click on link it does say:
“We had a problem retrieving review notes
/api/v3/addons/addon/787463/versions/2075729/reviewnotes/, UNAUTHORIZED, {“code”:“ERROR_INVALID_HEADER”,“detail”:“Invalid Authorization header. No credentials provided.”}
And i even can’t reply because of that message.
And today i found that my addon was marked as “Status: Incomplete”. I wondering if someone asked me for additional information, but i did not provide it because of platfrom bug and was rejected.
My apologies, did my math wrong. Yes - it’s 2 months on queue.
Reuploaded with unminified version, but i get back to the end of queue ( saying queue Position: 565 of 565 ). Since i was rejected because due firefox platform bug ( still can not see review requests, it does say “We had a problem retrieving review notes…” ), can i get back to old queue position? It was ~120 before i get rejected. Thanks.
@erosman i see that my 2.0.2 is rejected now, but i can not see any notes or reasons for that. Again, when i click “Review History” it says “We had a problem retrieving review notes
/api/v3/addons/addon/787463/versions/2085547/reviewnotes/, UNAUTHORIZED, {“code”:“ERROR_INVALID_HEADER”,“detail”:“Invalid Authorization header. No credentials provided.”}”
Just pushed new version (2.1) with all post-review requirements finished. Just want to know if i have to wait again whole queue or is there any shortcuts available?
The included JQuery doesnt match the hash of the original.
It is also better to use the minified JQuery
Minimizing normal (non-library) code, HTML or CSS, serves no real purpose but complicates the review process and adds to your waiting time. They may have to be checked by an admin reviewer which may take longer.
I just manually compared SHA-256 for version above and version i provided and they perfectly matched.
SHA-256 is A18AA92DEA997BD71EB540D5F931620591E9DEE27E5F817978BB385BAB924D21
Can you be more specific on what files are minified?
I only see that plugin.html is losing spaced, but it is quite hard on my side to make it look formatted due some weird gulp bug. I think it can be easily fixed by reviewer with online tool like http://www.freeformatter.com/html-formatter.html for review. Is it ok, or you want to do that me manually and re-submit?
Anything else i am missing?