MDN transform-box potential issue


On the MDN transform-box reference page the initial value is specified as ‘border-box’ whereas the specification defines the initial value to be view-box.

I am assuming that this is an issue, rather than being intentional. Please correct me if I am wrong. I am unsure how to fix it so I’m pointing it out here if anyone has the time to do it.

Also, if you happen to figure out what view-box means don’t hesitate to explain it to me… I will buy you coffee if we meet.

Hi there @ribaricplusplus! Thanks for making us aware of this. This is a pretty new property still, so I am guessing that it was documented early on, and then the spec changed.

We keep the data that generates such information on CSS pages in our data repo:

Would you be interested in filing a PR against this repo to correct this information?

Many thanks.


Thanks for the answer. I will make a PR.

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