We haven’t had a UK community-wide call in a very long time. Seems like a great opportunity to welcome Edoardo Viola as our regional Community Coach, align with the intended UK Community Ambassador, and plan to connect every month.
I’ve tentatively set soon after all-hands (early July). Would be great for us to get as many under our belts ahead of Mozfest as we can.
In an effort to connect us all, communicate, and identify:
who we are
where we are
what we’re doing
where we’re going
how to support each each other
how to grow as individuals
how to grow in reach and numbers
I’ve started an preparatory etherpad for us to collaboratively work through things that need attention.
Add to it, suggest your brilliant ideas, or have bit of a moan if you must. Though we don’t want to be stuck in the past, let’s grab this moment to take stock, collectively (and intentionally) move forward.
I think this is a great idea and I like the lists on the etherpad.
To me, the first things we need to establish are who we have and what we do. In common with the wider participation issues across Mozilla, we have no “census” that helps us to better understand what we have and to know how to build upon it.
A horrible word to use, but this will help us to identify synergies across the community and bring us together as a group. Parking MozFest to one side, what subject matter brings us and we can work on together? This would be good to establish.
On a slightly more practical note, what platform are we using for the call? Vidyo? (I hope).
Sometimes such initiatives can bring about moments of frustration, where nothing much feels like it’s being achieved. I hope by regularly convening we can at least have a place where we can catch up, work in the open, test ideas, solve issues, adapt, and most of all: to support each other and those who might come later.
Aha, the issue of conference calling is a non-trivial technical issue for me right now on Arch Linux. I may have sorted it, but will need to further test over the next couple of days. I have today spoken to AVops and been informed that there may be an update on the horizon (Vidyo NEO), and this could mean WebRTC support.
That aside, I’ve been assured that once the room is setup, this requires backup from a staff member, we could theoretically keep the same room URL indefinitely! I do also like the number of ways to connect to Vidyo rooms.
Tentative dates for UK Community call: Friday 28th July, Saturday 29th July, Monday 31st July, Wednesday 2nd August. I’ve allocated only 30 mins!! We could waffle on for hours: let’s not.
Location: Vidyo - link TBC
Please select your times of preference via the following link in Doodle. I’m intending to use a time most suited to the greatest number of us at once.
So far, the majority of people would like this call to take place on Wednesday the 2nd of August. I’ll keep the Doodle voting active until 17:00 on Wednesday of this week, 26th July.
I have, not yet, checked the availability of the London office as a venue for me to host the call. My tech is sadly not up to hosting Vidyo calls. This may change if the considered Vidyo NEO upgrade goes ahead as expected. Should the London office not be available, I wonder if any of you are prepared to do so? If not in the office, I’ll have to rely upon calling in on my mobile.
I don’t think we’ll get through a huge amount in 30 minutes. One person talking for 30 minutes will also have less impact, than each of getting a voice in a Q&A session.
With this in mind please consider scanning over the etherpad. Add to it. Or bring your own, already noted, ideas to briefly discuss and later provide to the community.
BEFORE the call, I will collate what I have already built into a spreadsheet. This will allow me to get a sense check from you all and create momentum towards prioritisation ranking of these issues. I’ll do this via a Google Form with the back-end being the spreadsheet. It will also create a really simply way for the community to add their own particular concerns.
There are some core people who have not indicated their availability which is totally fine. These calls should NOT be reliant on particular people being in attendance.
That said, please fully be aware this call is open in the #workopen sense. Nobody should feel excluded for any invitation to participate. Even if you’ve never contributed, or you’re a semi-regular to the Mozilla community: the invitation to participate amongst the UK community is warmly extended.
The consensus seems to have become Wednesday 2nd August 2017 at 19:00 BST / 18:00 UTC. Thirty minutes of your time. All welcome!
Confirmed via London office they can host the call on Vidyo. I’ll be there for MDN Wednesday Docs anyway. Getting stuck into web compat data switchover to json.
Room TBC but watch out for an update in this thread.