So… since 90% of my plugins stopped working and won’t be developed any further (because it requires rewriting them ground up under new system), I guess its time to uninstall Firefox.
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Sup?.. I guess that ^ was the initial plan, right, Mozilla?
What addons are you using? Maybe there are alternatives that you don’t know about.
Actually there are a lot of Chrome extension devs porting to Firefox extensions that never existed on Firefox before. So we basically win some and loose some.
I started to write new addons for the ones that were missing and I found making WebExtensions quite fun. The old way (jetpack + XUL) seemed a lot more complicated for me.
I’m assuming by plug-ins you mean add-ons. I’ve ported three of my add-ons to WebExtensions and plan to do the other two eventually, but one of them is with very significant loss of features. Especially constraining to me is that apparently WebExtensions allows at most one BrowserAction (toolbar button) per add-on, and also one top-level context menu per add-on. This is all consistent, I suppose, with the current fashion in user interfaces toward minimalism, and keeping user-operated controls (remember, program or be programmed), if not non-existent, at least tucked away out of view most of the time. I certainly count myself among the dissidents, who miss when Firefox wasn’t trying so hard to be just like Chrome.
I think you can inject something in all the pages with a content script and build whatever UI you want there. You can even register keyboard shortcuts. Sure… WebExtensions will not be like legacy addons but they might offer similar functionality. What buttons did you put in the toolbar? What addon are you talking about?