I use latest version of Firefox and I use add ons to make him better.
- Adblock Plus
- Better URL Bar
- Flagfox
- Flashblock
- Ghostery
- Lazarus: Form Recovery
- NoScript
- Public Fox
- Reload Tab On Double Clik
- Tineye Reverse Image Search
One of these add ons, installed another add ons who act like virus. Before come here, I deleted those add ons. I believed that I had virus. But when I search my computer i found nothing. The problems was from one of those add ons.
I use Lazarus and now i don’t know if my informations is secure or have been stolen.
All the add ons installed from Mozilla page.
What I do now ? Why the official page of Mozilla Add Ons is not safe ?
I don’t care so much for customization of my browser but i care so much for security. I want full control of my browser for things it does.
- Sorry for my bad english. None is perfect. I need help.