host = “”
http_port = 81
domain = “cmccoy1.click”
db_path = “/home/user/data/domains.sqlite”
api_ttl = 1
dns_ttl = 86400
tunnel_ttl = 60
socket_path = “/tmp/pdns_tunnel.sock”
caa_records = [
“0 issue “letsencrypt.org””,
mx_records = []
ns_records = [
[ “ns1.cmccoy1.click”, “” ],
txt_records = []
soa_record = “ns1.cmccoy1.click awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400”
www_addresses = [
default = “”
server = “smtp.gmail.com”
user = “@gmail.com"
password = ""
sender = "******@gmail.com”
reclamation_title = “Reclaim your WebThings Gateway Domain”
reclamation_body = “”“Hello,
Your reclamation token is: {token}
If you did not request to reclaim your gateway domain, you can ignore this email.”""
confirmation_title = “Welcome to your WebThings Gateway”
confirmation_body = “”“Hello,
Welcome to your WebThings Gateway! To confirm your email address, navigate to {link}.
Your gateway can be accessed at https://{domain}.”""
success_page = “”" Email Confirmation Successful!
Thank you for verifying your email.
error_page = “”" Email Confirmation Error!
An error happened while verifying your email.