The introductory and closing plenary’s are now available to NDA’d Mozillians on Air Mozilla. Take a look and share your favorite parts, and questions here!
Do we have estimate time when it will be declassified? eg., half year
I don’t think that we should declassify based on timing.
We should declassify based on content. I’m not aware of anything that still warrants those to be NDA-only. I’d look at someone like Dave Slater to drive that conversation.
Additional comment, I don’t think that we should make the content of those plenaries with the intent of them being public. It’s great when they happen to be, but being honest among trusted mozillians is of more value than those two hours being sharable to any reporter that only cares about their punchline.
Hey Irvin!
I think these are very unlikely to be declassified however in the New Year we’re going to make it simpler for trusted Mozillians who are part of a formal program like l10n, SUMO, FSA, or Reps to get a general NDA. More details to follow!
Hi Lucy
Thank you for highlighting these, but I do have a slight problem that prevents me from seeing them.
Despite having received acknowledgement of my NDA prior to Mozlando and having applied over five weeks ago to join the NDA group in Mozillians, the NDA flag as not been applied to my profile.
I am now in the slightly amusing situation of not being able to watch video footage of events I was present for, despite having sanitised my notes post Mozlando of NDA content on appreciation of the importance of the NDA I had signed. (I am also really interested in watching the DIno Tank session).
What is the best way for me to progress this?
Hi Seburo!
Mysterious indeed. Let me look into what the hold-up is with your application for the group and get back to you!
You might also be interested to know that Reps Council put in a request (via our new experimental process for declassifying information) and we are currently looking at making the majority of those videos public. I’ll send updates on both fronts shortly!
Hi Lucy
Thank you for your help, I appreciate it.
The NDA is important and certainly from my experience at Mozlando, I fully appreciate why it is there. Whilst I cannot disclose information, I was able to be part of conversations that give me background to help shape decisions and contributions I am making of the back of those communications.
The NDA process also provides a level or regulation of communication and information. I am sure we can all think of times information has been put in the public domain in the wrong way and has been taken out of context as a result. As much as we like “open”, we still need to appreciate the legal and commercial environment(s) Mozilla operates in.
Until Orlando (where I can guarantee you, it was necessary), I never thought of needing an NDA for anything at Mozilla. Indeed, it is quite possible to contribute fully to Mozilla without one. Many have been the times (outside of Mozilla) where I have been in a position to be involved in highly confidential issues and have decided that ignorance really is bliss. But conversely I have also had to deal with issues that have been both corporately and legally confidential, and NDA type agreements give you a structure to help manage the responsibility.
Should there be a general NDA? Possibly not, as many people do not need it and it could “water down” the importance of it. It could also be a barrier to participation - “welcome to Mozilla, please sign this legal document”. Scary.
Should some of the Air Mozilla content be declassified? Possibly, but I think there should be a review period (6 months) and then only with the participants (typically the presenters) sign off.
Looking forward to hearing how the balance is maintained between openness and control.
Thanks again for your help.