Multi-processsing inference with multi-GPU setup


I have been attempting multi-processing inference with a multi-GPU setup with some issues and was hoping to get some advice on how to solve this issue. First let me clarify that I am working with Deepspeech 0.6.1 with Python 3.6.9.

Following the advice on this thread: Running multiple inferences in parallel on a GPU

I managed to get inference in parallel on the GPU without tensorflow taking up the whole GPU memory with each inference attempt.

However, when I follow the same instructions and rebuild deepspeech on a multi-GPU set up, the allow_growth seems to no longer work and I find that all the memory gets taken up and tensorflow flags out of memory errors.

Below is an image of what watch nvidia-smi shows - this is with running only 1 process (so no paralellising has happened yet but it’s running as a separate process from the main):

My code is as follows:

import torch
import torch.multiprocessing as tmp
from transcription_gpu import run_transcription
import argparse
import time

if __name__ == '__main__':
    before = time.time()

    # Setup a number of processes
    processes = [tmp.Process(target=run_transcription, args=()) for x in range(1, PROCESS_NUM+1)]

    # Run processes
    for p in processes:
        print("I am a process!")

    # Exit the completed processes
    for p in processes:

    after = time.time()
    print("Processing Time: ", after-before)

import as wav
import sys
import os
import time
from deepspeech import Model

def run_transcription():

    BEAM_WIDTH = 500
    LM_WEIGHT = 1.50
    N_FEATURES = 26
    N_CONTEXT = 9
    MODEL_ROOT_DIR = 'models/deepspeech-0.6.1-models/'

    ds = Model(
        MODEL_ROOT_DIR + 'output_graph.pb',

        MODEL_ROOT_DIR + 'lm.binary',
        MODEL_ROOT_DIR + 'trie',

    before = time.time()
    fs, audio ="audio/test.wav")
    transcript = ds.stt(audio)
    after = time.time()
    print("Transcription Time: ", after-before)

It’s unclear: are we talking about inference? training? What did you rebuild? How do you set allow_growth?

We already have similar code in

It’s unclear: are we talking about inference? training? What did you rebuild? How do you set allow_growth ?

I stated at the beginning of my post that I mean inference. I rebuilt Deepspeech 0.6.1 by altering the as indicted in the post that I linked with such a solution.

The edit was as follows:



We already have similar code in

Does this work for multi-gpu setups?

I don’t see anything multi-GPU specific in your code.

That look okay but if you say it’s not working, maybe there are details to investigate.
There’s a TF_FORCE_GPU_ALLOW_GROWTH environment variable, maybe it would work?

Sharing GPUs between processes is kind of complicated with tensorflow …

This is my point, I am unclear how to achieve this with deepspeech. Whether I need to edit deepspeech code itself or change the way I’m using the package in my python code. It is the point of my post here.

Where do I call this force variable? The session gets generated from the imported methods from Deepspeech, so I don’t know if I have access to it to apply that variable.

Would it be better to create a pool that randomly allocates to different GPUs? I guess I’m wondering why the set_allow_growth flag works fine on my single-GPU setup but fails on my multi-GPU set up even with only one process going.

Easiest way is probably to spawn several independent processes, each one with CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable limiting it to see a single GPU.

But you can also further edit the GPUOptions to do the same thing by changing the visible_device_list attribute:

I’m also curious, it’d be great if you can look more in details on that :slight_smile: