My Mozlando Experience

Hello again Mozlando-ians!

We hope you had a blast in Orlando, and were able to connect with both the team you were invited by, and their goals for 2016.

The Leadership Summit is next month in Singapore, and to help inspire the next members of our Participation Cohort, I would love to have you share your thoughts and experiences here.

  1. Any blog posts you wrote.
  2. Something you learned in Mozlando that helped you understand the opportunity of Participation in your area of the project.
  3. Something you taught someone else.
  4. Someone you met, who inspired you.
  5. Any other event, talk or experience that you think can help others embrace the opportunity to step up as Participation Leaders in 2016 .

Bonus: A photo of you with your fox.

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This is my first post on Mozlando and others are coming along.

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