Need Assessment for Marking up a letter skill test

Hi there,
hope all are well

I need assessment for marking up a letter skill test.
Assessment task:

Skill test:

@justsomeone waiting for your feedback.

Thanks for your valuable time

Hello @umarFaruq

you doing great well done here my notice :

  1. the time element is not part of the address so it better to remove it from the address and wrap it with p element and give that p element the same class of address (you will learn while it will not work if you just give the time element the class in the css leason but for now it cause it inline element)

  2. i see you start to write a whole page starting from doctype tag till the closing of the html which is good thing

  3. nice using of comment

where my chocolateeeeeeeeeeee :joy:

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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@justsomeone Thanks for your evaluation and time related tips.

Me have the same thought that time element isn’t part of the address element, so I separated it earlier on while coding and since it’s an inline element that class won’t work eventually, I knew that. So, I tried inline css and made the display type: bold, then I realized it’s too early to try that and came back to be it nested in address element.

The deal is I never have the idea to put it in p tag. So, towardly I appreciate your visualization. Thanks.

Hereeeeeeeee it is :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :chocolate_bar: :smile:
Hope these are enough this time :joy:. Don’t you think? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


you very welcome

there no number that would make it enough :joy: