Assessment wanted for marking up a letter - 1

Hi, I am looking forward to an assessment for my HTML code that I wrote for marking up a letter. Any indication of mistakes, suggestions, or improvements is welcome. The link to the marked up letter is as follows:

Here’s the link to the MDN page that contains the assessment assignment:

elslamo alikom @hs224

you doing great well done just little notice here

  1. the first address should start from the Dr. Eleanor Gaye till the email so no need div element and give this address the class you give for the div

  2. by the way address make it content italic by default so not need to wrap anything with em

  3. the time element after the first address you could wrap it with p element and give it the same class

  4. do the same thing with the second address and of course without the class

  5. some of the time element you forget to set datetime value for it and sometime you forget the time element check the semester list

  6. you can copy the css code in the css panel in codepen and it will still work of course you will learn many ways when you reach the css lessons

  7. your email already displayed next to your email so try to hide it from your profile page

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi @justsomeone, thankyou for the feedback. It was really helpful. :100:

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@hs224 you very welcome and happy coding :slight_smile: