Need help with Git

It amazes that some of the smartest people in the world can build the least intuitive file system I have ever used.

Really starting to hate GitHub.

I was trying to take a project I made in Thimble and turn it into a repo.

I was able to drag and drop into Git Desktop.

I then hit sync or publish.

Next I went to to see my newly created repo. I got the message I needed a, a, and Given that the docuementation for gitignore files was too complex to figure out I just added the other two files.

Yet when I look at my repo I do not see the files I added through gitdesktop.

What the heck am I doing wrong? Should I not use Git desktop? Is there a better way to add files to a repo?

i never used the github desktop application but i think that you need the press the Sync button of the specific repo.
The screen is for Syllabus and edu307class so what is the repo to sync?

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You’re pushing ot ‘Syllabus’ not ‘edu307class’; try looking in Syllabus?

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 5:05 PM Daniele Mte90 Scasciafratte <> wrote:

Mte90 Daniele Mte90
January 20

i never used the github desktop application but i think that you need the
press the Sync button of the specific repo.
The screen is for Syllabus and edu307class so what is the repo to sync?

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Errietta Kostala

Thanks all I got the syllabus one pushed correctly.

But when I try to publish the edu307 class I get a warning message:

“edu307class has been updated on since you last synced. You can
try syncing again or run git pull origin master && git push origin master
from the command line.”

but I can’t find the sync button anywhere. I think I will just go back to
emailing people files when they want stuff.

On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:12 PM Errietta Kostala <> wrote:

Probably there are not new files or change in that repo.