Help wanted for Assessment: Mozilla splash page


I would like an assessment of my most updated code in codepen for Assessment: Mozilla splash page.

Specifically the part of the code for including


I have the earlier version of this code on github and would like help with updating it using terminal (I have tried entering: git add --all, git commit -m ‘another commit’, and git push).

Thank you!

Hi there @abcdbohemia! Your code looks like it would work OK, but it is hard for me to test it in its current state. Maybe it’d be a good idea for you to look at our version, and compare it with yours?

I can immediately see that your <picture> element is a bit overcomplicated.

As for the GitHub thing — what happened when you tried to enter these commands? Are you having trouble with GitHub?

Hi Chris,

I got the panda image working, and looking up help w/the other image.

For Github when I enter the commands in terminal to update repository I get the following message


Thank you!

Deleted initial message.