Need help with implementing graves attention layer

I’m trying to implement graves (GMM) attention based on Mozilla TTS repo. Here is a link with brief discussions about the implementation by the repo holder. Code below is my implementation to fit flowtron(

The author of flowtron make some changes to Tacotron. They feed all encoded mel frames once so the dimension of queries, keys, and values are

queries: T_mel * B * attn_hidden_dim
keys, values: T_text * B * text_embedding_dim

When I train it, it just doesn’t work well. Only the first frame alignment is close to maximum value and other frame attn. scores are really low. Also, the converging speed is slow (comparing to an additive attn). Can someone help me out to see which part of the code needs a fix (possibly the mu_t part)?

class GravesAttention(torch.nn.Module):

def __init__(self, n_mel_channels=80, n_speaker_dim=128,
             n_text_channels=512, n_att_channels=256, K=4):
    super(GravesAttention, self).__init__()
    ## K is number of gaussian component
   self.K = K
   self._mask_value = 1e-8
   self.eps = 1e-5
   self.J = None
   self.N_a = nn.Sequential(
        nn.Linear(n_mel_channels, n_mel_channels, bias=True),
        nn.Linear(n_mel_channels, 3 * K, bias=True)
   self.key = LinearNorm(n_text_channels + n_speaker_dim,
                      n_att_channels, bias=False, w_init_gain='tanh')
   self.value = LinearNorm(n_text_channels + n_speaker_dim,
                        n_att_channels, bias=False,

def init_layers(self):
    torch.nn.init.constant_(self.N_a[2].bias[(2 * self.K):(3 * self.K)], 1.)  # bias mean
    torch.nn.init.constant_(self.N_a[2].bias[self.K:(2 * self.K)], 10)  # bias std

def init_states(self, inputs):
    if self.J is None or inputs.shape[0] + 1 > self.J.shape[-1]:
        self.J = torch.arange(0, inputs.shape[0] + 2.0).to(inputs.device) + 0.5

def forward(self, queries, keys, values, mask=None, attn=None):

    self.init_states(keys)     ##initialize self.J
    if attn is None:
        keys = self.key(keys).transpose(0, 1)  # B x in_lens x n_attn_channels
        values = self.value(values) if hasattr(self, 'value') else values
        values = values.transpose(0, 1)        # B x in_lens x n_attn_channels
        gbk_t = self.N_a(queries).transpose(0, 1) # B x T x 3K

        gbk_t = gbk_t.view(gbk_t.size(0), gbk_t.size(1), -1, self.K)
        # each B x T x K
        g_t = gbk_t[:, :, 0, :]
        b_t = gbk_t[:, :, 1, :]
        k_t = gbk_t[:, :, 2, :]
        g_t = torch.nn.functional.dropout(g_t, p=0.5,
        sig_t = torch.nn.functional.softplus(b_t) + self.eps
        k_t = torch.nn.functional.softplus(k_t)
        mu_t = torch.cumsum(k_t, dim=1) ## mu_t = mu_(t-1) + k_t, mu_0 = 0
        g_t = torch.softmax(g_t, dim=-1) + self.eps
        j = self.J[:values.size(1) + 1]

        phi_t = g_t.unsqueeze(-1) * (1 / (1 + torch.sigmoid((mu_t.unsqueeze(-1) - j) / 
        alpha_t = torch.sum(phi_t, 2)  ## sum over attn heads
        alpha_t = alpha_t[:, :, 1:] - alpha_t[:, :, :-1]
        alpha_t[alpha_t == 0] = 1e-8
        if mask is not None:
   , 2), self._mask_value)
        values = self.value(values)
        values = values.transpose(0, 1)
    print("with_dropout flows2 max, min in alpha_t {} {}".format(torch.max(alpha_t), torch.min(alpha_t)))
    output = torch.bmm(alpha_t, values)
    output = output.transpose(1, 2)
   return output, alpha_t

I am confused. D you implement it for mozilla TTS or flowtron?

Hi erogol, thanks for the reply. I’m doing it for flowtron. Training on flowtron really drives me crazy. I just don’t know if the problem is caused by tricky training steps of flowtron or it’s my implementation of graves attn. for flowtron is wrong.

Okay, I think that I get the bitter answer to my question. It looks like that any dynamic attention mechanism like graves or forward attention cannot work with flow based models. Flowtron is using a memory-less attention layer which uses only the local query and key vectors to calculate alignment score. In any location sensitive attention layer, the score at position j depends on alignment results at j-1, j-2 … It looks like the only improvement I can try now on flowtron is adding a bi-directional attention flow. If anyone knows anything other than BiDAF that works with flow based model, please let me know.

I don’t think there is such limitation since you can still process temporal dimension iteratively for GMM and Location sensitive attention. But I may need to think about it more.

I’m thinking about to let the N_a layer predict mu_t directly with sigmoid activation times the length of text input. I will test this today and let you know about the results.

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