New project: Foundation website - content

Hi everyone,

It’s a pleasure to announce a new project on Pontoon, content from the Foundation website is now available for translation here:

Note, the UI of the website (menus, footers, etc) is still available as a separate project.

This is the result of almost 2 years of cross team and even cross organization efforts as I & the MoFo engineering team worked directly with Torchbox, the creators of the CMS we use to manage the website content. Together, we created Wagtail-localize.

So, what’s new?
Similarly to what we’ve been doing on the Donate website for some time now, we’re now able to automatically expose for localization any page of the website, in any supported locale. And your translations are also automatically published on production every hour.

You will notice the project is already almost complete, because existing translations have all been migrated, but I will start adding new content soon!

Part of the existing translations come from the Engagement project that you have been translating, the rest was translated by Mother Tongue.
Feel free to review and improve existing translations, you now have full control!

What’s next?
I will be removing the foundation site content from the Engagement project soon. From now on, everything will be added to this new project.

Now that the heavy engineering lift has been done, we will focus on fixing smaller internationalization issues.

We will also look into supporting new locales, stay tuned!

If you see bugs or have any question, let me know :slight_smile:
