Dear Reps Planet,
The council is excited to share with you, our second group of new
Mozilla Rep Mentors this Year.
These are amazing Reps recognized by the council as being equally good at inspiring and empowering others, as they are leading globally and locally in their communities.
As mentorship is core to the program, we are very grateful they have agreed
to take on this new responsibility.
Please join us in congratulating our new Mozilla Rep Mentors :
Rajesh Ranjan
Irvin Chen
Diwanshi Pandey
T.M. van den Broek
István Szmozsánszky ‘Flaki’
Sara Khan
Bahy Mohammed
Umesh Agarwal
Reps Mentor Role Description
Mozilla Reps recognizes that our primary goals are best reached through the support, encouragement, and empowerment of community through mentorship. Mentoring is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, made possible through regular and supportive interaction. *
We encourage mentors to be as open to learning from their mentees, as they are to teaching, for the benefit and growth of both individuals and the program as a whole. *
Welcome New Reps Mentors!