Hi everyone
As you know, our Objective 1 KR3 is “Increase number of authors for Reps tweets to 10 people”. A fellow contributor from the Swiss community has come up with a system which enables Github issues to be tweeted. We can now use this for Reps as an experiment! Before we set it up on the official Reps Twitter account, I’d like to get some help testing this to make sure it doesn’t have obvious bugs.
Every Rep can help test this! I will leave this testing phase open until September 12th, then we can make a decision in Council on setting it up for the Reps account to officially start the experiment.
How to tweet
- Head to https://github.com/MichaelKohler/content-queue-test/issues
- Create a new issue using the predefined template
- Remove the “Schedule” block if you don’t want to have a scheduled tweet (please note that scheduled tweets currently use UTC+2 as timezone)
- Verify the project board (Note: it takes 1 minute to show up on the board once you created a new issue). If your issue shows up there, it works!
- Reps Council members have access to the board to move issues (this is the content review step)
- Once the issue is approved, the tweet will be tweeted to https://twitter.com/reps_cq_test
- For ReTweet formats, check out this issue
How to approve
This is Council members only right now, happy to give others access for this testing phase as well on a trust basis - my decision as it is connected to my account and I will only give out access to people that I’ve previously worked with closely.
- Move an issue from “Ideas” to “To Tweet” in the project board
Where to check for the tweet
File issues
If there are any issues you encounter, please tell me here or file an issue in https://github.com/mozillach/gh-projects-content-queue/issues and me and Martin will have a look.
Next steps
- Testing phase open to all Reps until September 12th
- Council makes decision on quality
- If we agree to continue, we will set it up on the official Reps account
- Once that is done, everybody can bring in ideas on tweets for the official Reps account
You can find the source code here: https://github.com/mozillach/gh-projects-content-queue/
Have fun testing!