No Mathes Found Error during training DeepSpeech with Data Augmentation

I train the model by following instruction in the DeepSpeech documentation

Here is the script I use:

python \
    --train_files data/train.csv \
    --dev_files data/dev.csv \
    --test_files data/test.csv \
    --scorer models/kenlm.scorer \
    --alphabet_config_path data/alphabet.txt \
    --test_batch_size 32 \
    --train_batch_size 32 \
    --dev_batch_size 32 \
    --epochs 100 \
    --early_stop True \
    --es_epochs 7 \
    --reduce_lr_on_plateau True \
    --plateau_epochs 3 \
    --force_initialize_learning_rate True \
    --learning_rate 0.0001 \
    --dropout_rate 0.25 \
    --use_allow_growth \
    --drop_source_layers 0 \
    --train_cudnn \
    --export_dir test/test-exp/ \
    --checkpoint_dir test/test-ckp/ \
    --summary_dir test/test-sum \
    --max_to_keep 3 \
    --augment volume[p=0.1,dbfs=-10:-40] \
    --augment pitch[p=0.1,pitch=1.1~0.9] \
    --augment tempo[p=0.1,factor=1.25~0.75] \
    --augment dropout[p=0.1,rate=0.05] \
    --augment add[p=0.1,domain=signal,stddev=0~0.5] \
    --augment multiply[p=0.1,domain=features,stddev=0~0.5] \
    --augment frequency_mask[p=0.1,n=1:3,size=1:5] \
    --augment time_mask[p=0.1,domain=signal,n=3:10~2,size=50:100~40] \
    --augment reverb[p=0.1,delay=50.0~30.0,decay=10.0:2.0~1.0] \
    --augment resample[p=0.1,rate=12000:8000~4000] \
    --augment codec[p=0.1,bitrate=48000:16000] \
    --augment overlay[p=0.3,source=data/train.csv,layers=10:1,snr=50:20~9]

Error message:

 no matches found: volume[p=0.1,dbfs=-10:-40]

The script works well if all the --augment flags are removed.

How can I solve this, PLEASE HELP.

I have a question in your command .

--augment overlay[p=0.3,source=data/train.csv,layers=10:1,snr=50:20~9]

what is this csv file format that refer to overlays. I can’t use this augmentation because I don’t know what to fill in this argument.

And does other augmentations helped you as much as temp/pitch/overlay?