Hello all,
I would like to kindly ask you to help me to clarify how DeepSpeech handles out-of-vocabulary words. I’m trying to build a simple command-and-control application (46 commands, each being English sentence with 1-6 words, 60 unique words in total). I’m using Python and DeepSpeech v0.7.4 (both the PyPi package and the full sources from github), which is also the tag of all the files I’m refering to in my experiments below.
First, I would like to double check that what I want is possible to do with DeepSpeech: With the default acoustic model and my own language model (i.e. a scorer built according to https://deepspeech.readthedocs.io/en/v0.7.4/Scorer.html#building-your-own-scorer), can DeepSpeech reject out-of-vocabulary words? If so, how is it indicated during the inference? Is there <unk>
in the output transcription, is there an error/exception thrown, or… ?
If the answer to the previous is “yes”, can somebody point me in the right direction to achieve that?
Here’s what I tried so far:
I started with generate_lm.py and generate_package.py as they can be found in data/lm. I only modified the generate_lm.py slightly, so:
- the temporary ARPA files are not deleted so I can view them
- the --interpolate_unigrams for KenLM’s lmplz was set to 0, which shall lead to p() being higher than p()'s of other words
I generated the language model with:
python3 data/lm/generate_lm.py --input_txt my_corpus.txt --output_dir ./generated --top_k $word_count --kenlm_bins $bin_path --arpa_order 3 --max_arpa_memory 80% --arpa_prune 0 --binary_a_bits 22 --binary_q_bits 8 --binary_type trie --discount_fallback
($word_count = 60, so none of my words is filtered, binary_q_bits and binary_a_bits are the defaults for lmplz)
The generated ARPA file has only one entry that contains and that is the following unigram: -0.37345523 <unk> 0
The my_corpus.txt and the resulting ARPA (kenlm_generated.arpa) files are attached.
After that I generated the package with:
python3 data/lm/generate_package.py --alphabet data/alphabet.txt --lm generated/lm.binary --vocab generated/vocab-60.txt --package generated/my_scorer.scorer --default_alpha 1.0 --default_beta 1.0
(Please notice the values of default_alpha and default_beta were just first random picks - may these default values have any impact on the out of vocabulary words? I’m planing to further optimize them with lm_optimizer.py as mentioned here: https://deepspeech.readthedocs.io/en/v0.7.4/Scorer.html#building-your-own-scorer)
After that I started the inference with:
python3 native_client/python/client.py --model models/deepspeech-0.7.4-models.tflite --audio ../audio_records/arctic_a0005.wav --scorer generated/my_scorer.scorer
The resulting inference (tested with different audio files) was a combination of unigrams from the generated ARPA file (i.e. inference with backoffs, no higher order N-grams occurring in the transcription).
What was weird to me was that is in the ARPA file only once as an unigram and without a backoff weight specified. This got me into thinking that maybe I could get the ARPA file to the form where also appears in higher order N-grams and has backoff weights specified, as it can be seen for example here (https://cmusphinx.github.io/wiki/arpaformat/). And that maybe this will improve my situation…
I did study the options for KenLM binaries, especially the lmplz, but I haven’t found much info about how to alter the occurrence in ARPA files (except the --interpolate_unigrams mentioned above). Therefore I decided to experiment by generating an ARPA file with different means (http://www.speech.cs.cmu.edu/tools/lmtool-new.html) and feed it with corpus that, in addition to my commands, contains 100 sentences of different lenghts only composed only from s (s in the corpus file aren’t accepted by KenLM lmplz). In the resulting ARPA file, as an unigram had backoff defined and it also was occurring in different combinations in the higher order N-grams, which was what I wanted to see. I fed this ARPA file to lm.binary in generate_lm.py (i.e. bypassing the calls to lmplz and filter in the script), generated the package and tested the inference again. The result of inference may have contained different words than before, but again, it was just a combination of different unigrams from my vocabulary.
To push it even further, I decided to push the weights way too high by ‘brute force’, weights and backoffs for all the lines in the ARPA file (i.e. the log values) were divided by 256 (see lot_of_unks.arpa). Generated the package again, tested inference, no improvement of the situation…
I do realize that my experiments were not particularly clever, but I wanted to see what would be the impact of making such a language model where unknown words have so high weights when compared to the in-vocabulary words. Could somebody tell me what are the expected results of inference with DeepSpeech with such a configuration?
Thank you all in advance
Content of files (why can’t we upload simple text files as attachment to the topic?)
hello machine
start conveyor belt
stop conveyor belt
decrease the conveyor belt speed
increase the conveyor belt speed
set speed to ten percent
set speed to twenty percent
set speed to fifty percent
set speed to one hundred percent
get the conveyor belt speed
switch to maintenance mode
switch to fail safe mode
switch to production mode
start calibration
get diagnostic information
get failure log
clear failure log
move actuator up
move actuator down
get actuator temperature
get switch state
switch screen to main menu
switch screen to menu one
switch screen to menu two
switch screen to menu three
switch screen to maintenance menu
menu up
load preset one
load preset two
load preset three
reset to default settings
get production rate
get quality information
get failure rate
get running time
operator log in
operator log off
ngram 1=63
ngram 2=118
ngram 3=116
-2.1658468 <unk> 0
0 <s> -0.32572055
-0.598042 </s> 0
-2.011489 hello -0.1040886
-2.011489 machine -0.1040886
-2.011489 start -0.1040886
-2.011489 stop -0.1040886
-2.011489 reset -0.1040886
-1.6287453 conveyor -0.23632658
-2.011489 belt -0.1040886
-2.011489 decrease -0.1040886
-1.6287453 the -0.23632658
-1.8896521 speed -0.1040886
-2.011489 increase -0.1040886
-2.011489 set -0.1040886
-1.4950578 to -0.12895685
-2.011489 ten -0.1040886
-1.4950578 percent -0.3612653
-2.011489 twenty -0.1040886
-2.011489 fifty -0.1040886
-1.6287453 one -0.20320818
-2.011489 hundred -0.1040886
-2.011489 get -0.1040886
-1.8896521 switch -0.1040886
-2.011489 maintenance -0.1040886
-1.6287453 mode -0.23632658
-2.011489 fail -0.1040886
-2.011489 safe -0.1040886
-1.8896521 production -0.1040886
-2.011489 calibration -0.1040886
-2.011489 diagnostic -0.1040886
-1.8896521 information -0.26278532
-1.8896521 failure -0.20320818
-1.8896521 log -0.1040886
-2.011489 clear -0.1040886
-2.011489 move -0.1040886
-1.8896521 actuator -0.1040886
-1.8896521 up -0.26278532
-2.011489 down -0.1040886
-2.011489 temperature -0.1040886
-2.011489 state -0.1040886
-2.011489 screen -0.1040886
-2.011489 main -0.1040886
-1.4950578 menu -0.15082674
-1.8896521 two -0.26278532
-1.8896521 three -0.26278532
-2.011489 undo -0.1040886
-2.011489 redo -0.1040886
-2.011489 cancel -0.1040886
-2.011489 accept -0.1040886
-2.011489 load -0.1040886
-2.011489 preset -0.1040886
-2.011489 default -0.1040886
-2.011489 settings -0.1040886
-1.8896521 rate -0.26278532
-2.011489 quality -0.1040886
-2.011489 running -0.1040886
-2.011489 time -0.1040886
-2.011489 operator -0.1040886
-2.011489 in -0.1040886
-2.011489 off -0.1040886
-2.011489 enable -0.1040886
-2.011489 disable -0.1040886
-0.38545653 machine </s> 0
-0.56929934 start </s> 0
-0.5155476 stop </s> 0
-0.5155476 reset </s> 0
-0.5155476 belt </s> 0
-0.5155476 speed </s> 0
-0.17096847 percent </s> 0
-0.33659884 one </s> 0
-0.24710484 mode </s> 0
-0.38545653 calibration </s> 0
-0.22786321 information </s> 0
-0.56929934 log </s> 0
-0.22786321 up </s> 0
-0.38545653 down </s> 0
-0.38545653 temperature </s> 0
-0.38545653 state </s> 0
-0.4819919 menu </s> 0
-0.22786321 two </s> 0
-0.22786321 three </s> 0
-0.38545653 undo </s> 0
-0.38545653 redo </s> 0
-0.38545653 cancel </s> 0
-0.38545653 accept </s> 0
-0.38545653 settings </s> 0
-0.22786321 rate </s> 0
-0.38545653 time </s> 0
-0.38545653 in </s> 0
-0.38545653 off </s> 0
-0.38545653 enable </s> 0
-0.38545653 disable </s> 0
-2.0346441 <s> hello -0.30103
-0.6560439 hello machine -0.30103
-1.4952537 <s> start -0.30103
-1.6137103 <s> stop -0.30103
-1.6137103 <s> reset -0.30103
-1.0479926 start conveyor -0.30103
-0.9028915 stop conveyor -0.30103
-0.3631956 the conveyor -0.30103
-0.3712802 conveyor belt -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> decrease -0.30103
-0.63523424 decrease the -0.30103
-0.63523424 increase the -0.30103
-1.3454471 get the -0.30103
-0.9329197 belt speed -0.30103
-0.65118927 set speed -0.42596874
-2.0346441 <s> increase -0.30103
-1.2699497 <s> set -0.42596874
-0.8803296 reset to -0.30103
-0.8803296 speed to -0.30103
-1.0167954 switch to -0.30103
-0.6229069 screen to -0.30103
-1.5749389 to ten -0.30103
-0.6229069 ten percent -0.30103
-0.6229069 twenty percent -0.30103
-0.6229069 fifty percent -0.30103
-0.6229069 hundred percent -0.30103
-1.5749389 to twenty -0.30103
-1.5749389 to fifty -0.30103
-1.43363 to one -0.30103
-1.282901 menu one -0.30103
-1.0479926 preset one -0.30103
-1.1127324 one hundred -0.30103
-0.78940046 <s> get -0.30103
-0.8472357 <s> switch -0.42596874
-1.434335 get switch -0.30103
-1.0468333 to maintenance -0.30103
-0.9028915 maintenance mode -0.30103
-0.63523424 safe mode -0.30103
-0.9028915 production mode -0.30103
-1.5749389 to fail -0.30103
-0.6560439 fail safe -0.30103
-1.538282 to production -0.30103
-1.434335 get production -0.30103
-1.1040161 start calibration -0.30103
-1.4646709 get diagnostic -0.30103
-0.65118927 diagnostic information -0.30103
-0.65118927 quality information -0.30103
-1.434335 get failure -0.30103
-0.65118927 clear failure -0.30103
-0.5076264 failure log -0.30103
-0.65118927 operator log -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> clear -0.30103
-1.6137103 <s> move -0.30103
-1.434335 get actuator -0.30103
-0.65118927 move actuator -0.30103
-1.0905327 actuator up -0.30103
-1.3503811 menu up -0.30103
-1.1040161 actuator down -0.30103
-1.1040161 actuator temperature -0.30103
-1.1040161 switch state -0.30103
-1.1040161 switch screen -0.5228787
-1.5749389 to main -0.30103
-1.7046212 <s> menu -0.30103
-1.3651031 to menu -0.30103
-0.8803296 maintenance menu -0.30103
-0.6229069 main menu -0.30103
-1.3503811 menu two -0.30103
-1.0905327 preset two -0.30103
-1.3503811 menu three -0.30103
-1.0905327 preset three -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> undo -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> redo -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> cancel -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> accept -0.30103
-1.4952537 <s> load -0.30103
-0.6560439 load preset -0.30103
-1.5749389 to default -0.30103
-0.6560439 default settings -0.30103
-0.9329197 production rate -0.30103
-1.1017511 failure rate -0.30103
-1.4646709 get quality -0.30103
-1.4646709 get running -0.30103
-0.6560439 running time -0.30103
-1.6137103 <s> operator -0.30103
-1.1040161 log in -0.30103
-1.1040161 log off -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> enable -0.30103
-2.0346441 <s> disable -0.30103
-0.15129851 hello machine </s>
-0.52076936 <s> start </s>
-0.3951763 <s> stop </s>
-0.3951763 <s> reset </s>
-0.45277482 conveyor belt </s>
-0.18538384 belt speed </s>
-0.07712488 ten percent </s>
-0.07712488 twenty percent </s>
-0.07712488 fifty percent </s>
-0.07712488 hundred percent </s>
-0.13647436 menu one </s>
-0.13647436 preset one </s>
-0.106209785 maintenance mode </s>
-0.106209785 safe mode </s>
-0.106209785 production mode </s>
-0.15129851 start calibration </s>
-0.09915569 diagnostic information </s>
-0.09915569 quality information </s>
-0.19736719 failure log </s>
-0.09915569 actuator up </s>
-0.09915569 menu up </s>
-0.15129851 actuator down </s>
-0.15129851 actuator temperature </s>
-0.15129851 switch state </s>
-0.17730382 maintenance menu </s>
-0.17730382 main menu </s>
-0.09915569 menu two </s>
-0.09915569 preset two </s>
-0.09915569 menu three </s>
-0.09915569 preset three </s>
-0.15129851 <s> undo </s>
-0.15129851 <s> redo </s>
-0.15129851 <s> cancel </s>
-0.15129851 <s> accept </s>
-0.15129851 default settings </s>
-0.09915569 production rate </s>
-0.09915569 failure rate </s>
-0.15129851 running time </s>
-0.15129851 log in </s>
-0.15129851 log off </s>
-0.15129851 <s> enable </s>
-0.15129851 <s> disable </s>
-0.21439326 <s> hello machine
-0.67482173 <s> start conveyor
-0.5051103 <s> stop conveyor
-0.14468811 decrease the conveyor
-0.14468811 increase the conveyor
-0.14468811 get the conveyor
-0.14711641 start conveyor belt
-0.14711641 stop conveyor belt
-0.14711641 the conveyor belt
-0.21055521 <s> decrease the
-0.21055521 <s> increase the
-1.1072094 <s> get the
-0.44569105 conveyor belt speed
-0.14952381 <s> set speed
-0.50050145 <s> reset to
-0.1710843 set speed to
-0.650572 <s> switch to
-0.11267256 switch screen to
-0.85916054 speed to ten
-0.20821008 to ten percent
-0.20821008 to twenty percent
-0.20821008 to fifty percent
-0.20821008 one hundred percent
-0.85916054 speed to twenty
-0.85916054 speed to fifty
-0.84338385 speed to one
-0.7150454 to menu one
-0.67482173 load preset one
-0.2687587 to one hundred
-1.1310747 <s> get switch
-0.674576 switch to maintenance
-0.8389656 screen to maintenance
-0.5051103 to maintenance mode
-0.21055521 fail safe mode
-0.24985543 to production mode
-0.7447946 switch to fail
-0.21439326 to fail safe
-0.7419761 switch to production
-1.1310747 <s> get production
-0.6860959 <s> start calibration
-1.1384242 <s> get diagnostic
-0.21351126 get diagnostic information
-0.21351126 get quality information
-0.8877189 <s> get failure
-0.21351126 <s> clear failure
-0.39215744 get failure log
-0.18351905 clear failure log
-0.21351126 <s> operator log
-1.1310747 <s> get actuator
-0.21351126 <s> move actuator
-0.53671676 move actuator up
-0.28206784 <s> menu up
-0.5385753 move actuator down
-0.26812866 get actuator temperature
-0.26812866 get switch state
-0.33067092 <s> switch screen
-0.945749 screen to main
-0.49272335 screen to menu
-0.50050145 to maintenance menu
-0.20821008 to main menu
-0.72358125 to menu two
-0.6834879 load preset two
-0.72358125 to menu three
-0.6834879 load preset three
-0.21439326 <s> load preset
-0.2896241 reset to default
-0.21439326 to default settings
-0.2530925 get production rate
-0.53826654 get failure rate
-1.1384242 <s> get quality
-1.1384242 <s> get running
-0.21439326 get running time
-0.5385753 operator log in
-0.5385753 operator log off
ngram 1=63
ngram 2=121
ngram 3=120
-1.1319 </s> -0.3010
-1.1319 <s> -0.1434
-0.002171484375 <unk> -0.000440234375
-3.2962 accept -0.2677
-2.8191 actuator -0.3002
-2.5973 belt -0.2661
-3.2962 calibration -0.2677
-3.2962 cancel -0.2677
-3.2962 clear -0.3004
-2.5973 conveyor -0.2999
-3.2962 decrease -0.3004
-3.2962 default -0.3008
-3.2962 diagnostic -0.3006
-3.2962 disable -0.2677
-3.2962 down -0.2677
-3.2962 enable -0.2677
-3.2962 fail -0.3008
-2.8191 failure -0.2997
-3.2962 fifty -0.3002
-2.3420 get -0.2960
-3.2962 hello -0.3008
-3.2962 hundred -0.3002
-3.2962 in -0.2677
-3.2962 increase -0.3004
-2.9952 information -0.2677
-2.8191 load -0.3004
-2.6942 log -0.2673
-3.2962 machine -0.2677
-3.2962 main -0.2997
-2.9952 maintenance -0.2990
-2.5181 menu -0.2656
-2.8191 mode -0.2677
-2.9952 move -0.3004
-3.2962 off -0.2677
-2.8191 one -0.2675
-2.9952 operator -0.3002
-2.6942 percent -0.2677
-2.8191 preset -0.2995
-2.9952 production -0.2999
-3.2962 quality -0.3006
-2.9952 rate -0.2677
-3.2962 redo -0.2677
-2.9952 reset -0.2646
-3.2962 running -0.3008
-3.2962 safe -0.3004
-2.5973 screen -0.2982
-2.6942 set -0.2995
-3.2962 settings -0.2677
-2.4511 speed -0.2646
-2.8191 start -0.2663
-3.2962 state -0.2677
-2.9952 stop -0.2665
-2.3420 switch -0.2968
-3.2962 temperature -0.2677
-3.2962 ten -0.3002
-2.8191 the -0.2999
-2.9952 three -0.2677
-3.2962 time -0.2677
-2.1823 to -0.2968
-3.2962 twenty -0.3002
-2.9952 two -0.2677
-3.2962 undo -0.2677
-2.9952 up -0.2677
-0.00181796875 <s> <unk> 0.0
-2.4654 <s> accept 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> cancel 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> clear 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> decrease 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> disable 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> enable 0.0000
-1.5111 <s> get 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> hello 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> increase 0.0000
-1.9883 <s> load 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> menu -0.2632
-2.1644 <s> move 0.0000
-2.1644 <s> operator 0.0000
-2.4654 <s> redo 0.0000
-2.1644 <s> reset 0.0000
-1.8633 <s> set 0.0000
-1.9883 <s> start 0.0000
-2.1644 <s> stop 0.0000
-1.5623 <s> switch -0.0458
-2.4654 <s> undo 0.0000
-0.00406796875 <unk> </s> -0.00117578125
-0.00151640625 <unk> <unk> 0.0
-0.3010 accept </s> -0.3010
-0.7782 actuator down 0.0000
-0.7782 actuator temperature 0.0000
-0.7782 actuator up 0.0000
-0.6990 belt </s> -0.3010
-0.5229 belt speed -0.1963
-0.3010 calibration </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 cancel </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 clear failure -0.1249
-0.3010 conveyor belt 0.0000
-0.3010 decrease the 0.0000
-0.3010 default settings 0.0000
-0.3010 diagnostic information 0.0000
-0.3010 disable </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 down </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 enable </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 fail safe 0.0000
-0.4771 failure log -0.1761
-0.7782 failure rate 0.0000
-0.3010 fifty percent 0.0000
-1.2553 get actuator -0.2218
-1.2553 get diagnostic 0.0000
-0.9542 get failure 0.0000
-1.2553 get production -0.1761
-1.2553 get quality 0.0000
-1.2553 get running 0.0000
-1.2553 get switch -0.2762
-1.2553 get the 0.0000
-0.3010 hello machine 0.0000
-0.3010 hundred percent 0.0000
-0.3010 in </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 increase the 0.0000
-0.3010 information </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 load preset 0.0000
-0.6021 log </s> -0.3010
-0.9031 log in 0.0000
-0.9031 log off 0.0000
-0.3010 machine </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 main menu -0.2218
-0.6021 maintenance menu -0.2218
-0.6021 maintenance mode 0.0000
-0.7782 menu </s> -0.3010
-1.0792 menu one -0.1249
-1.0792 menu three 0.0000
-1.0792 menu two 0.0000
-1.0792 menu up 0.0000
-0.3010 mode </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 move actuator -0.1249
-0.3010 off </s> -0.3010
-0.4771 one </s> -0.3010
-0.7782 one hundred 0.0000
-0.3010 operator log -0.1761
-0.3010 percent </s> -0.3010
-0.7782 preset one -0.1249
-0.7782 preset three 0.0000
-0.7782 preset two 0.0000
-0.6021 production mode 0.0000
-0.6021 production rate 0.0000
-0.3010 quality information 0.0000
-0.3010 rate </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 redo </s> -0.3010
-0.6021 reset </s> -0.3010
-0.6021 reset to -0.2840
-0.3010 running time 0.0000
-0.3010 safe mode 0.0000
-0.3010 screen to -0.1871
-0.3010 set speed -0.1549
-0.3010 settings </s> -0.3010
-0.6690 speed </s> -0.3010
-0.5441 speed to -0.2285
-0.7782 start </s> -0.3010
-0.7782 start calibration 0.0000
-0.7782 start conveyor 0.0000
-0.3010 state </s> -0.3010
-0.6021 stop </s> -0.3010
-0.6021 stop conveyor 0.0000
-0.5563 switch screen 0.0000
-1.2553 switch state 0.0000
-0.7782 switch to -0.2285
-0.3010 temperature </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 ten percent 0.0000
-0.3010 the conveyor 0.0000
-0.3010 three </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 time </s> -0.3010
-1.4150 to default 0.0000
-1.4150 to fail 0.0000
-1.4150 to fifty 0.0000
-1.4150 to main 0.0000
-1.1139 to maintenance 0.0000
-0.9379 to menu -0.1761
-1.4150 to one -0.2218
-1.4150 to production -0.1761
-1.4150 to ten 0.0000
-1.4150 to twenty 0.0000
-0.3010 twenty percent 0.0000
-0.3010 two </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 undo </s> -0.3010
-0.3010 up </s> -0.3010
-0.00508203125 <s> <unk> </s>
-0.0013546875 <s> <unk> <unk>
-0.3010 <s> accept </s>
-0.3010 <s> cancel </s>
-0.3010 <s> clear failure
-0.3010 <s> decrease the
-0.3010 <s> disable </s>
-0.3010 <s> enable </s>
-1.2553 <s> get actuator
-1.2553 <s> get diagnostic
-0.9542 <s> get failure
-1.2553 <s> get production
-1.2553 <s> get quality
-1.2553 <s> get running
-1.2553 <s> get switch
-1.2553 <s> get the
-0.3010 <s> hello machine
-0.3010 <s> increase the
-0.3010 <s> load preset
-0.3010 <s> menu up
-0.3010 <s> move actuator
-0.3010 <s> operator log
-0.3010 <s> redo </s>
-0.6021 <s> reset </s>
-0.6021 <s> reset to
-0.3010 <s> set speed
-0.7782 <s> start </s>
-0.7782 <s> start calibration
-0.7782 <s> start conveyor
-0.6021 <s> stop </s>
-0.6021 <s> stop conveyor
-0.5051 <s> switch screen
-0.7270 <s> switch to
-0.3010 <s> undo </s>
-0.00390625 <unk> <unk> </s>
-0.001554296875 <unk> <unk> <unk>
-0.3010 actuator down </s>
-0.3010 actuator temperature </s>
-0.3010 actuator up </s>
-0.3010 belt speed </s>
-0.3010 clear failure log
-0.6990 conveyor belt </s>
-0.5229 conveyor belt speed
-0.3010 decrease the conveyor
-0.3010 default settings </s>
-0.3010 diagnostic information </s>
-0.3010 fail safe mode
-0.3010 failure log </s>
-0.3010 failure rate </s>
-0.3010 fifty percent </s>
-0.3010 get actuator temperature
-0.3010 get diagnostic information
-0.6021 get failure log
-0.6021 get failure rate
-0.3010 get production rate
-0.3010 get quality information
-0.3010 get running time
-0.3010 get switch state
-0.3010 get the conveyor
-0.3010 hello machine </s>
-0.3010 hundred percent </s>
-0.3010 increase the conveyor
-0.7782 load preset one
-0.7782 load preset three
-0.7782 load preset two
-0.3010 log in </s>
-0.3010 log off </s>
-0.3010 main menu </s>
-0.3010 maintenance menu </s>
-0.3010 maintenance mode </s>
-0.3010 menu one </s>
-0.3010 menu three </s>
-0.3010 menu two </s>
-0.3010 menu up </s>
-0.6021 move actuator down
-0.6021 move actuator up
-0.3010 one hundred percent
-0.6021 operator log in
-0.6021 operator log off
-0.3010 preset one </s>
-0.3010 preset three </s>
-0.3010 preset two </s>
-0.3010 production mode </s>
-0.3010 production rate </s>
-0.3010 quality information </s>
-0.3010 reset to default
-0.3010 running time </s>
-0.3010 safe mode </s>
-1.0000 screen to main
-1.0000 screen to maintenance
-0.5229 screen to menu
-0.3010 set speed to
-0.9031 speed to fifty
-0.9031 speed to one
-0.9031 speed to ten
-0.9031 speed to twenty
-0.3010 start calibration </s>
-0.3010 start conveyor belt
-0.3010 stop conveyor belt
-0.3010 switch screen to
-0.3010 switch state </s>
-0.7782 switch to fail
-0.7782 switch to maintenance
-0.7782 switch to production
-0.3010 ten percent </s>
-0.3010 the conveyor belt
-0.3010 to default settings
-0.3010 to fail safe
-0.3010 to fifty percent
-0.3010 to main menu
-0.6021 to maintenance menu
-0.6021 to maintenance mode
-0.7782 to menu one
-0.7782 to menu three
-0.7782 to menu two
-0.3010 to one hundred
-0.3010 to production mode
-0.3010 to ten percent
-0.3010 to twenty percent
-0.3010 twenty percent </s>