Participation Leaders - Leadership... a Question!

How do you see this group beginning to support each other? What roles do you think are emerging that could influence the success of the entire cohort? How can we test those in enabling the success of the All Hands Cohort in Orlando?

For example, I notice that Greg has been doing a lot of coaching to help people overcome their fears/challenges and nervousness about writing, I also notice that when we were talking in Telegram about a JavaScript ‘Event Listener’ curriculum, several tech-focused people stepped in to provide better resources and advice. How do we encourage and shape roles like this? How would we test that?

I think for encourage/shape roles share ideas and someone inspired can work on it.
I think that the first problem is the first step, tech-focused people like me don’t have fear to start a development project but without an idea, how us can start a project?
When i want to do something i open bugzilla or github to find issues to do but for non tech-stuff we need something like that.

What I see is cross-background communication and collaboration.

Usually people of one type are all together in one group talking to each other. (For example, coders would be talking to coders; firefox os hackers with firefox os hackers; MDN people talk with MDN people. And I could be wrong here because I don’t know how many cross-team conversations happen)

Before participation cohort I was excited about community education portal and coding alone. After participation cohort came together I’m now also interested in MLN and content creation. I see conversations revolving around what other teams were doing -> I click through links, read more -> I get interested in what they’re doing -> I contribute

(That is also the reason why conversations happening in undocumented Telegram groups limit my growth)

  • Count the number of conversations that happen across functional teams.
  • Count the number of collaborations that happen across functional teams.
  • Take a participant in team A, test their knowledge about what other teams (B, C, D, …) are doing.
  • Take a project that team A is working on, count the number of people in teams B, C, D, … who are also working on the same project.
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As a Participation Leader I’m interested to talk with other groups for the recruiting, I need to know how they work to improve the recruiting in that group for my community.


There are two major targets we should be trying to reach with Participation Leaders.

  1. Their personal goals that they set leaving Mozlando. You should make the Thimble remix as much of a hackjam to ensure the greatest collection of data.
  2. An increase in participation on what ever team the participation leader most associates with.

Personal Learning Goal
This one should be easier. Create a spreadsheet from the Thimble remix, emails, and #mozfest goals. Identify some variables: Does a final product exist/How many times was the project documented/A reflective post, etc.

This can be part of the greater story telling as well. Once a goal is set poeple should be filming, instagramming, webmakering, Thimbling, blogging…something to document their journey/

Increased Participation

We need better baseline data across each team in order to be able to measure the impact of Participation Leaders. This is a long term goal but one I see as central to the Participation teams success.

Each other team/org/group across Mozilla should be able to get a rough number of active monthly contributors, monthly email listserv members, etc. Many would not have this data or a system in place to collect this data.

We will be able to get a qualitative feel of increased participation just based on the content created across the Participation team but if we want to measure our impact long term we need to have a larger discussion with folks all across Mozilla.