Phrase hints at the time of inference and punctuation commands


  1. Is there a way to provide phrase hints such as names of persons/entities or some specific words at the time of inference to boost the recognition accuracy

Something similar to Google
A sample google request:

  "config": {
    "sampleRateHertz": 16000,
    "speechContexts": {
      "phrases":["hoful","shwazil", "shwazil hoful day"]

This will be helpful especially when you have to provide some context related information at runtime/inference time.

  1. How to provide support for punctuation commands: like if the user says “I want to go on a world tour period”, the output should be “I want to go on a world tour.”, similarly user can say next line, next paragraph, hyphen ?

Is there a way in deepspeech to achieve this as inference results?

Thank you

Search this forum for custom language model. Currently it is rather either just these or everything. If you have the time, program a second go with a second scorer. The functionality you want is not there and will involve a bit of hacking. But try a custom language model.

You have to replace that yourself after the scorer output. There is no automatic solution for it. But these words are quite special and replacing should work.

And please delete the post from the other thread as we continue here :slight_smile: