- Is there a way to provide phrase hints such as names of persons/entities or some specific words at the time of inference to boost the recognition accuracy
Something similar to Google https://cloud.google.com/speech/docs/basics#phrase-hints.
A sample google request:
"config": {
"sampleRateHertz": 16000,
"speechContexts": {
"phrases":["hoful","shwazil", "shwazil hoful day"]
This will be helpful especially when you have to provide some context related information at runtime/inference time.
- How to provide support for punctuation commands: like if the user says “I want to go on a world tour period”, the output should be “I want to go on a world tour.”, similarly user can say next line, next paragraph, hyphen ?
Is there a way in deepspeech to achieve this as inference results?
Thank you