Please get my addon reviewed

Current version is broken in firefox 31. Please get the new version reviewed. It has been in the queue for about half a year.

Our queue says it has been on queue for 34 days

Your addon is a very large and there are a lot of changes (40 files have changed).
Let me see what I can do about it.

There are a lot of syntax changes which are not real changes but they still have to be checked.

Thank you.

I have updated the addon several times. But they didn’t get reviewed, so the “defacto” waiting time is about half a year.

It is done.

Thank you.

As to your comment, I directly use adblock plus’s code, so it would be better if you could give your comments to adblock plus team.

I reviewed your addon, not ADB.
If there are issue with your addon, then you should fix it, not wait for ADB. There might one day be a cause for rejection and saying ADB did it that way is not an excuse.

That is a problem with copying someone else’s code. As long as it is your addon, you are responsible for the code, and not where you got it from. :wink:

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Yes, I’m responsible for my addon. But, if my addon is rejected, ADB shall be rejected too as well as other addons having the same issue. It’s about consistency and equity.

Once again we review your addon. We do not compare your addon to anther addon.
We do not check how many changes you have made to ADB code.

You have made changes to the code and you are responsible for the entire addon code. Your addon is not a duplicate of another addon (it would have been rejected then). It is based on another addon with alterations and additions; and you are responsible for every line.

In any case… this is academic.
Developers can choose the way they present the addon.They can also decide to the disregard review comments but it may lead to complications.