How does review of addons works, and why you don’t need to write add-ons for Firefox.
1) Some source code can be approved by one reviewer and denied by another reviewer: - approved by Rob W - v1.32 denied by Leszek Zyczkowski
2) The reviewer may be a person who has a competing add-on: - my add-on - similar add-on of my reviewer Leszek Zyczkowski
3) The reviewer may approve one add-on(non-competing) and deny other add-on(competing) that has the same “issue”: - v1.31-1.32 deny by Leszek Zyczkowski - approved by Leszek Zyczkowski, but has some "issue"
4) The add-ons of reviewer will have the same “issue” that the reviewer will require to fix in your add-on:
Issue from Leszek Zyczkowski: “place js code in options.xul into seperate file”: - properties.xul has js-code - quicknote.xul has js-code
Issue from Rob W: “sanitization of innerHTML”: - crxviewer.js, prettify.js, run_prettify.js has no sanitization of innerHTML - yt_lyrics.js has no sanitization of innerHTML
5) Reviewers will impose your own style of programming:
This version 1.31 AutocopySelection2Clipboard didn’t approved by Leszek Zyczkowski because of the following problems: “You was numerous times asked for resolve this issue: ‘place js code in options.xul into seperate file’”.
Comments to this action from another reviewer on #amo-amdins channel: “…while add-ons shouldn’t be rejected because of including large JS code parts in XUL files…” - Andreas Wagner (another reviewer)
6) Requirements to your code will not be set out immediately. After each correction you will put forward new requirements, which are not related to the changes you make:
This version 1.32 AutocopySelection2Clipboard didn’t pass review by Leszek Zyczkowski because of the following problems:
- You was numerous times asked for resolve this issue: ‘place js code in options.xul into seperate file’ This issue still occur.
- Your file 'frame.js is ANSI coded. Should be UTF-8. - problem was present in previous approved versions.
- Your add-on’s code includes instances of printing debugging information to the Console, which is generally not allowed in production add-ons. Please remove or disable such logging. - problem was present in previous approved versions.
7) All your requests to change the reviewer will be ignored:
Requests were sent via IRC-channel #amo-editors, to, and personally to Jorge Villalobos
8) Reviewers do not bear any responsibility for their actions because they are volunteers and work for Mozilla-branded t-shirts. AMO-admins are always on the side of the reviewer.
Leszek Zyczkowski approved the addon (AutocopySelection2Clipboard v1.3), which according to another reviewer Rob W, had a “serious security threat”.
Leszek Zyczkowski did not approve the addon (AutocopySelection2Clipboard v1.31), based on: “place js code in options.xul into seperate file". He had no right to do this according to another reviewer Andreas Wagner: "…while add-ons shouldn’t be rejected because of including large JS code parts in XUL files…"
All my requests for exclusion him from the reviewers were ignored.
If the issue is not resolved, I’ll have to go to the press and marketing departments of competing products.