In the past few weeks we’ve been exploring how we can best bring value to the participation community, through a call or otherwise, and we have brainstormed a few options for what we can do with the participation call moving forwards.
For each option we’ve outlined an idea and what we think it could look like. Using the poll below, please let us know what option you think would bring most value to the participation community or add another!
What would you like the participation call to be?
- A call every 2 week where we bring in experts to teach on a topic related to participation. Topics are announced well in advance and Participation Team members take turns leading and coordinating the call.
- Participation becomes a topic on the Reps Call where we share out participation news, requests for feedback etc. The community is invited to join the Demo call (which happens every 3 weeks) to hear what the participation team has been working on and to present their own participation related demos. Every month the participation initiatives from the Reps call and the Demo call are gathered and turned into a monthly “round-up” blog post.
- The call remains the same, we look for 3 presenters from the community but participation team members takes turns leading.
- Other (please comment below with details).
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