Hi everyone,
It’s time again for the Participation call, today Thursday September 3rd, 10 AM PDT/ 5PM UTC . We will be following the same format as last week and opening the floor to two discussions:
- Micro-contributions: what are they, what makes a good micro-contribution, how can we use micro-contributions to create and find more core contributors.
- Participation Team Mission & Manifesto: read it here share your thoughts and feedback. What do you think of having multiple manifestos? Is this a good mission for the team? How can we improve it?
See the etherpad with instructions on how to join here.
If you can’t make it the pad is already setup with these topics, and you can add your ideas, and feedback anytime.
Please add items, announcements, and things you’d like to share!! - we want to know what you’re up to!
How to JoinVidyo: Participation Vidyo Room
External link: here