Pre-trained model become worse when i trained common voice data


I was training the pre-trained model and models has trained i got output_graph.pb
When i checked the model it become worse than pre-models deepspeech 0.5.1

Here is my command and parameters. Please guide to use the best parameters

python -u \
   --n_hidden 2048 \
   --epochs 75 \
   --checkpoint_dir /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint2/ \
   --train_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/train.csv \
   --dev_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv \
   --test_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/test.csv \
   --train_batch_size 24 \
   --dev_batch_size 48 \
   --test_batch_size 48 \
   --dropout_rate 0.15 \
   --learning_rate 0.0001 \
   --lm_binary_path /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/mycreatedOG/lm.binary \
   --lm_trie_path /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/mycreatedOG/trie \
   --export_dir /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/export/ \

I am using Deepspeech 0.5.1

We can’t help without more context.


I have downloaded checkpoint and i have downloaded common voice mozilla

I am using
Deepspeech 0.5.1
GPU RTX 4000
Ubuntu 18.04
Tensorflow-GPU 1.14.0

Training was fine with here is the process

I Restored variables from most recent checkpoint at /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/model.v0.5.1, step 467356
I STARTING Optimization
Epoch 0 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:00:04 | Steps: 6642 | Loss: 41.552052                                                                                                                                                                                            WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ remove_checkpoint (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
W0912 15:14:06.021101 140096652371776] From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ remove_checkpoint (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
Epoch 0 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:28 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 44.842819                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 0 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:15 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 50.622232 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 50.622232 to: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-474930
Epoch 1 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:23 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 40.343765                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 1 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:13 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.958261 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.958261 to: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-482504
Epoch 2 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:34 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 37.761659                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 2 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:19 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.888508 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.888508 to: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-490078
Epoch 3 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:21 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 35.337711                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 3 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:15 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.695037 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.695037 to: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-497652
Epoch 4 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:17 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 33.512327                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 4 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:14 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 48.027997 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Early stop triggered as (for last 4 steps) validation loss: 48.027997 with standard deviation: 0.111347 and mean: 47.847269
I FINISHED optimization in 6:28:28.351865
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-497652
I0912 20:42:31.164370 140096652371776] Restoring parameters from /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-497652
I Restored variables from best validation checkpoint at /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-497652, step 497652
Testing model on /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/test.csv
Test epoch | Steps: 3014 | Elapsed Time: 0:18:08                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Test on /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/test.csv - WER: 0.562949, CER: 0.372234, loss: 56.315739
WER: 3.000000, CER: 1.777778, loss: 120.665932
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_54384.wav
 - src: "undefined"
 - res: "then after canister "
WER: 2.500000, CER: 2.764706, loss: 214.952164
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_17645060.wav
 - src: "did you know that"
 - res: "the two now that the denotat titulo that the notation that"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.571429, loss: 11.507010
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_18320583.wav
 - src: "nosiree"
 - res: "no there"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 1.250000, loss: 16.147278
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_191353.wav
 - src: "amen"
 - res: "the man"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.363636, loss: 20.434793
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_16047346.wav
 - src: "kettledrums"
 - res: "cattle drams"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.818182, loss: 25.313591
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_629809.wav
 - src: "kettledrums"
 - res: "go dream"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.470588, loss: 25.920713
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_283146.wav
 - src: "medley hotchpotch"
 - res: "men may hutch punch"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 1.000000, loss: 32.957829
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_3514384.wav
 - src: "stay tuned"
 - res: "the tune a prop"
WER: 1.833333, CER: 1.250000, loss: 144.522491
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_680693.wav
 - src: "find me the saga air cavalry"
 - res: "i made a saucerful time i see i was covered for"
WER: 1.750000, CER: 0.451613, loss: 66.565109
 - wav: file:///home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_137155.wav
 - src: "that's an inherent disadvantage"
 - res: "the then and heron as a vantage"
I Exporting the model...
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/train-505226
I0912 21:00:46.095046 140096652371776] Restoring parameters from /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/train-505226
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ convert_variables_to_constants (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants`
W0912 21:00:46.182916 140096652371776] From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ convert_variables_to_constants (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants`
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ extract_sub_graph (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.extract_sub_graph`
W0912 21:00:46.183073 140096652371776] From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ extract_sub_graph (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.extract_sub_graph`
INFO:tensorflow:Froze 12 variables.
I0912 21:00:46.220419 140096652371776] Froze 12 variables.
INFO:tensorflow:Converted 12 variables to const ops.
I0912 21:00:46.297007 140096652371776] Converted 12 variables to const ops.
I Models exported at /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/export/

Let me know if you need anything than this.

Which language ? How much data does it makes ?

What is this LM that you are using ?


Language -> English, 30 gb of data with 60592 steps inside train.csv, 12000 steps in dev.csv, 12500 steps in test.csv i have followed the steps from deepspeech to convert mp3 to wav etc and created csv of train.csv, test.csv, dev.csv.

LM is generated from
and same for trie.

This should just be the canonical LM we release as lm.binary and trie. Can you try with our files, to make sure?

What steps? does that for you. Also, you changed learning rate and dropout. From previous experiences, it seems you might want even lower learning rate, and re-use our dropout values.


what is the best value for learning_rate and dropout rate for my scenario?

You need to experiment yourself.

1 Like


I have tried with deepspeech lm.binary and trie from your advice and result into error

 I Restored variables from most recent checkpoint at /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/model.v0.5.1, step 467356
I STARTING Optimization
Epoch 0 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:00:04 | Steps: 6709 | Loss: 100.632820                                                                                                                                                                                           WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ remove_checkpoint (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
W0914 15:08:04.290839 140140694878016] From /home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ remove_checkpoint (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
Epoch 0 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:12:27 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 104.902475                                                                                                                                                                                           
Epoch 0 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:17 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 99.321217 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                       
I Saved new best validating model with loss 99.321217 to: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-474930
Epoch 1 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:12:26 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 98.436469                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 1 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:14 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 100.826695 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
Epoch 2 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:12:25 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 101.351250                                                                                                                                                                                           
Epoch 2 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:14 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 101.032610 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
Epoch 3 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:12:21 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 104.625136                                                                                                                                                                                           
Epoch 3 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:14 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 106.296748 | Dataset: /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Early stop triggered as (for last 4 steps) validation loss: 106.296748 with standard deviation: 0.762869 and mean: 100.393507
I FINISHED optimization in 5:06:43.507333
Loading the LM will be faster if you build a binary file.
Reading /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'lm::FormatLoadException'
  what():  ../kenlm/lm/ in void lm::ReadARPACounts(util::FilePiece&, std::vector<long unsigned int>&) threw FormatLoadException.
first non-empty line was "version" not \data\. Byte: 43
Fatal Python error: Aborted

Thread 0x00007f7456e8f700 (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 295 in wait
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 164 in get
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/summary/writer/", line 159 in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916 in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 884 in _bootstrap

Thread 0x00007f7455e8d700 (most recent call first):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 295 in wait
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 164 in get
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/summary/writer/", line 159 in run
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916 in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 884 in _bootstrap

Current thread 0x00007f750c563740 (most recent call first):
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ds_ctcdecoder/", line 231 in __init__
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ds_ctcdecoder/", line 22 in __init__
  File "/home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/", line 45 in evaluate
  File "", line 554 in test
  File "", line 824 in main
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/absl/", line 250 in _run_main
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/absl/", line 299 in run
  File "/home/karthik/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/platform/", line 40 in run
  File "", line 836 in <module>
Aborted (core dumped)

Kindly check and let me know if i made any error this time i have reduced the learning rate and dropout

python -u \
   --n_hidden 2048 \
   --epochs 75 \
   --checkpoint_dir /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/ \
   --train_files /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/train.csv \
   --dev_files /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv \
   --test_files /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/corpus/clips/test.csv \
   --train_batch_size 8 \
   --dev_batch_size 8 \
   --test_batch_size 4 \
   --dropout_rate 0.05 \
   --learning_rate 0.001 \
   --lm_binary_path /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary \
   --lm_trie_path /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie \
   --export_dir /home/karthik/speech/DeepSpeech/data/export/ \

@javi.rahman I’d try a batch size of 1 and fewer LR. BTW why did toy say that you had

60592 steps inside train.csv

and it shows just 7574?


So, you want me to try with batch size 1 and lower learning rate 0.0001.

Due to train batch size 8 so it is converting to 7574 value (60592/8)


So, you want me to try with batch size 1 and lower learning rate 0.0001.

Yes. I’d wait for @lissyx confirmation, but usually in DL the best way to debug is using batch size 1.

1 Like

It looks like you have not properly followed documentation and setup git-lfs.

1 Like

You have increased learning rate, 0.001 > 0.0001. Could you please first try with the same hyperparameters as we released ?

Have you made any change to ? If you change the code it’s going to be even harder to help …

1 Like

Okay sure. I will check and let you know.

I have followed the following links (How to find the which file is making loss inf - #9 by SamahZaro) to identify loss inf files from my steps.

Hi @lissyx,

I have followed the same hyper-parameters as like pre-trained models and i got output

    Use standard file APIs to delete files with this prefix.
Epoch 0 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:12:57 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 44.740725                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 0 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:18 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 49.311232 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 49.311232 to: /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-474930
Epoch 1 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:19 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 40.200257                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 1 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:16 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 50.055145 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
Epoch 2 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:16 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 37.661443                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 2 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:17 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 48.825582 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 48.825582 to: /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-490078
Epoch 3 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:19 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 36.223534                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 3 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:20 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.598456 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.598456 to: /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-497652
Epoch 4 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:15 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 34.446500                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 4 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:13 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.315255 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.315255 to: /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-505226
Epoch 5 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:16 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 31.589634                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 5 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:18 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 47.296769 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Saved new best validating model with loss 47.296769 to: /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-512800
Epoch 6 |   Training | Elapsed Time: 1:13:17 | Steps: 7574 | Loss: 30.819907                                                                                                                                                                                            
Epoch 6 | Validation | Elapsed Time: 0:04:16 | Steps: 1528 | Loss: 48.929547 | Dataset: /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv                                                                                                                      
I Early stop triggered as (for last 4 steps) validation loss: 48.929547 with standard deviation: 0.138065 and mean: 47.403493
I FINISHED optimization in 9:02:49.285819
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-512800
I0921 03:05:05.785426 140454949234496] Restoring parameters from /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-512800
I Restored variables from best validation checkpoint at /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/best_dev-512800, step 512800
Testing model on /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/test.csv
Test epoch | Steps: 3014 | Elapsed Time: 0:18:11                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Test on /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/test.csv - WER: 0.545397, CER: 0.351697, loss: 54.847588
WER: 8.000000, CER: 3.666667, loss: 146.070511
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_54384.wav
 - src: "undefined"
 - res: "the dinner and the man is durandarte in"
WER: 2.250000, CER: 2.764706, loss: 234.570007
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_17645060.wav
 - src: "did you know that"
 - res: "it detentat the juno that tecolote the denotat the quotas"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.571429, loss: 10.787078
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_18320583.wav
 - src: "nosiree"
 - res: "no there"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.750000, loss: 13.659227
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_191353.wav
 - src: "amen"
 - res: "a man "
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.454545, loss: 20.949049
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_16047346.wav
 - src: "kettledrums"
 - res: "catal drams"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.727273, loss: 31.451639
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_629809.wav
 - src: "kettledrums"
 - res: "do drames"
WER: 2.000000, CER: 0.642857, loss: 36.353798
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_17267925.wav
 - src: "any volunteers"
 - res: "and i am the"
WER: 1.666667, CER: 0.814815, loss: 59.893326
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_2421.wav
 - src: "programming requires brains"
 - res: "the game is won the"
WER: 1.600000, CER: 0.689655, loss: 63.139175
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_18798367.wav
 - src: "valentin dubinin has two sons"
 - res: "the man on divan in his cheek on"
WER: 1.500000, CER: 0.500000, loss: 12.955254
 - wav: file:///home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/common_voice_en_599362.wav
 - src: "itching palm"
 - res: "i in part"
I Exporting the model...
INFO:tensorflow:Restoring parameters from /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/train-520374
I0921 03:23:23.183858 140454949234496] Restoring parameters from /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/train-520374
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ convert_variables_to_constants (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants`
W0921 03:23:23.356780 140454949234496] From /home/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/tools/ convert_variables_to_constants (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.convert_variables_to_constants`
WARNING:tensorflow:From /home/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ extract_sub_graph (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.extract_sub_graph`
W0921 03:23:23.356925 140454949234496] From /home/tmp/deepspeech-venv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ extract_sub_graph (from tensorflow.python.framework.graph_util_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
Instructions for updating:
Use `tf.compat.v1.graph_util.extract_sub_graph`
INFO:tensorflow:Froze 12 variables.
I0921 03:23:23.395812 140454949234496] Froze 12 variables.
INFO:tensorflow:Converted 12 variables to const ops.
I0921 03:23:23.472876 140454949234496] Converted 12 variables to const ops.
I Models exported at /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/export/

Here is command i have followed


python -u \
   --checkpoint_dir /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/checkpoint/ \
   --train_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/train.csv \
   --dev_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/dev.csv \
   --test_files /home/speech/DeepSpeech1/data/corpus/clips/test.csv \
   --train_batch_size 8 \
   --dev_batch_size 8 \
   --test_batch_size 4 \
   --n_hidden 2048 \
   --learning_rate 0.0001 \
   --dropout_rate 0.15 \
   --epochs 75 \
   --lm_alpha 0.75 \
   --lm_beta 1.85 \
   --lm_binary_path /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/lm/lm.binary \
   --lm_trie_path /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/lm/trie \
   --export_dir /home/speech/DeepSpeech/data/export/ \

But model (output_graph.pbmm) looks bad when compared to old.
My doubt is should common voice mozilla corpus will be good accuracy datasets? or should i need to train with my own data?
I am training English language. Checkpoint steps has been increased from 467356 to 520374.