I have verified my plugin using AMO’s Unlisted feature, downloaded the file from the /versions page and directed the user to the .xpi file using the following code: var params = { "Foo": { URL: '/js/extensions/screen_sharing_extension_for_discussio-1.1.xpi', IconURL: '/img/logos/icon32.png', Hash: 'sha1:0685d223403576771976d3e8a9814f0f5a059c52', toString: function () { return '/js/extensions/screen_sharing_extension_for_discussio-1.1.xpi'; } } }; InstallTrigger.install(params);
That was not what I was asking for. In your original post, you were stating that you were using JavaScript to initiate a download/install of your add-on. What page is that JS on?
You can access the installer by going to: https://des-work.discuss.io/demo (you can enter a fake email address if asked for one) and click the “share” icon: then “Share My Computer Screen”:
The file I uploaded (unsigned) was called “ScreenSharing.xpi”. I assumed that the file “screen_sharing_extension_for_discussio-1.1.xpi” downloaded from that page was the signed version. I uploaded that file to my webserver but it apparently is not the signed version…
The sha1 hash is the same for both the “ScreenSharing.xpi” file that I uploaded and the “screen_sharing_extension_for_discussio-1.1.xpi” that I downloaded after the review. So I am not sure where to find the signed file.
I have created a version 1.2 that uses the largest maxVersion possible (before it was 46.*, which seems incorrect). The targetApplication section of my install.rdf can be found below: <em:targetApplication> <Description> <em:id>toolkit@mozilla.org</em:id> <em:minVersion>33.0</em:minVersion> <em:maxVersion>43.*</em:maxVersion> </Description> </em:targetApplication>
Thanks for all your help @TheOne. Specifying the firefox id “{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}” in the targetApplication section of the install.rdf seemed to fix it.