After the help to get a https server running, I have my gateway behind an nginx reverse proxy, so I can access it via the internet.
When I connect and login via the internet address, all of the Things are greyed out. However, when connected via the local network, all of the Things are active.
From the internet, I can change the properties on the Thing page and, for example, the actual light is turned on. However events such as opening a door do not update the associated Thing properties.
Other functions, such as the Logs (via the internet) are also affected but most settings work perfectly (all that I have tried work, but have not tried all).
I suspect that the issue is my complete inexperience of setting up nginx. Does anyone have advice?
My nginx proxy settings look like the following (this is inside a server block dedicated to my gateway)
location / {
proxy_buffering off;
I’ve found some links that may explain the issue: by default, nginx immediately terminates each connection, with no keepalive. When I get home, I’ll try this out and post about the results.
The problem is that you’re not proxying WebSockets, which is what the UI uses to do real-time communication with the gateway. Check out this thread, as I posted some good resources there.