Publishing an update to an extension "owned" by an unreachable colleague

Hi folks,

One of our widely-used extension has been broken by Firefox 46 release. Its main developper is now on the other side of the “Great Firewall”, so I had to fix it myself.

The problem is that our colleague is the one only one that can publish it with the same application ID and that it seems he cannot even reply to my messages anymore.

It would be a shame to ask 146,657 users to uninstall the last version and installing the new one, whereas a simple update would be seamless…

Is there a way to claim “maintenership” on a module?

Of course, you can contact him (and check that he won’t reply). I can also transmit every official document you need to prove that he worked on my team. You can also check that I have “colleague” powers on the addon official GitHub repository (and therefore on the official website too).


A. B.

Does “no response” mean there is no solution?

Please send an email to amo-admins AT mozilla DOT org and we’ll try to help you.

Thank you! I will.