Continuing the discussion from Weekly Call 30-06-2016, today we had a lot of questions and interest in this topic
I’m opening this topic in case more people have questions so everyone has the chance to ask.
@Raegan talked about a lot of interesting topics, you can check the notes in the call etherpad.
Net Neutrality:
- In the US, the FCC’s Net Neutrality Order withstood challenges from major cable operators. This is a MAJOR victory for net neutrality! Here’s Chris Riley with more.
- We have recently submitted filings in India on zero rating and on net neutrality. See: and
- In the EU, BEREC – the association of national regulatory authorities in the EU – launched a public consultation on the implementation guidelines for the net neutrality regulation that was adopted earlier this year. They are quite good and address many of the loopholes in the Regulation. There are still some tweaks needed though; we’ll submit our response soon and share with you. - snippet launched in many EU countries
- Mozilla will be gearing up to get more engaged in Copyright reform in the EU!
- Brief overview of context and Mozilla’s topline objectives to foster creativity and innovation in the EU
- Recent development: Mozilla submitted to European Commission’s public consultation on ancillary copyright and the panorama exception -
- TL;DR - We told the Commission that we are very strongly opposed to ancillary copyright and we are strongly in favour of the freedom of panorama.!!!
Mozilla Open Source Support (MOSS) program - SOS Fund Launched!
- The SOS Fund will provide security auditing, remediation, and verification for key open source software projects. 500k to be allocated.
- We’re looking for applicants - so please spread the word and help us secure open source!
- read more:
- on MOSS:
Some questions during the call:
How are you you getting the initiatives? Are you following official authority ( as EC for ex) or you take on “complains” from people?
we are a small team - 7 and we try to supervise this internationally
general we focus on US and EU
Policy Team - Cybersecurity, Privacy, Net Neutrality, Copyright
we check for potentions for impact - if ther eis a need for a voice ( mozilla voice)
In the case mentioned at the EU - do we have a close contact we are working too? Are we giving input to the Digital Agenda?
we work with different institutions and actors in Europe
we are loved by them (yay ) !
we have allies - commissions for single market and digital Agenda ( Ansit - // will add more details after
How mozillians can get involved and help?
we try to create some paths for mozillians
most mozillians put them at heart - very passionate about some of them
Policy stewards - open mailing list
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Is there a place where we can get updates about news in this front?
just mentioned - mailing list – Policy Stewards google group: Redirecting to Google Groups