Hi my name is Amit Kumar Jaiswal, and I am from Mozilla India. The last cool thing ( both tech and non tech) I heard about was All Hands
Hi Harsha Bandaru here, From Mozilla Hyderabad.I am Currently working on IoT HackHyderabad
Hello Everyone! I am Prathamesh Chavan from Pune, India.
Hi my name is Daniele Scasciafratte and I am from Rieti, Italy. The last cool thing about tech are the new social platforms open source (i am working to use it)
Hi my name is Abhilash and I am from Hyderabad.
Hi, my name is KaiRo, and I am from Austria. The last cool thing (both tech and non tech/product, platform, idea) I heard about was Project Quantum.
Hi my name is Konstantina and I am from Greece. The last cool thing I’ve heard was caving in space, check it out! @ESA_CAVES
Hi, i’m Yofie, from Jakarta, Indonesia. The last cool thing i heard about was WebVR.
Hola. I’m Rubén from Spain. Last cool thing was (is) Servo
Hi I’m Rosana from Colombia. The last cool cool idea is offline time
Hi I’m Irvin from Taiwan. The last cool thing I’ve heard was
Hi my name is Yuli from México.
Hi i’m mak from Bangladesh; planning rejuvenating l10n projects for bn-BD (Bengali) soon.
Hi, I’m @Jobava from Romania. The little Juno robot will enter Jupiter orbit in only 4 days!
I’m Akshay S Dinesh from Mysore, India. Last week I came across a news piece about head replacement surgery
Hi I’m Bebe From RomaniaHi I’m Siddhartha from Pune, India.
in the EU – launched a public consultation on the implementation guidelines for the net neutrality regulation that was adopted earlier this year. They are quite good and address many of the loopholes in the Regulation. There are still some tweaks needed though; we’ll submit our response soon and share with you. https://blog.mozilla.org/netpolicy/author/crileymozilla-com/
we check for potential for impact - if there is a need for a voice (a unique Mozilla voice)
In the case mentioned at the EU - do we have a close contact we are working too? Are we giving input to the Digital Agenda?
we work with different institutions and actors in Europe
we are loved by many of them (yay ) !
we have allies - a lot of movement on tech policy in Europe and many players that we work with, e.g. with Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy (Responsible Commissioners Ansip and Oettinger ), the European Parliament, and many stakeholders in the private sector and civil society.
How mozillians can get involved and help?
we try to create some paths for mozillians to learn about and contribute to policy at Mozilla
most mozillians put them at heart - very passionate about many of these issues
DRM taken to its logical conclusions IS the end of private property. Under a legal DRM regime it becomes cost-free to add DRM to products. Since all products will contain computers (including “smart labels” etc) that means everything will contain software. This becomes critical for life-preserving devices like medical implants. Is it worth to have a “Save private property” campaign emphasizing these ideas and the interplay of copyright, DRM and ownership?
I heard in the US, authorities are at times directly asking Mozilla specifically for statements to topics - is that happening in the EU as well?
You send updates to EU Mozilla staff regularly, could NDAed Mozillians (Reps!) get those as well?
Are we “keeping a tab” on what “leaders” are doing (part of impact). Like we had the github issue in Leadership summit? That provides a specific data point on whats going on.
Part of the efforts around the focus activities will be metrics, so yes, it’s under the radar.
Check reps-general or your inbox for the telegram group link
TOPIC 3 - IoT HackHyderabad
What is IoT HackHyderabad ?
IoT HackHyderabad is a 2-day hackathon which creates on-the-spot teams of technologists to shape the next generation of the connected internet.
IoT HackHyderabad, where Things and Cities become Smarter! Make an Impact for Our Hyderabad in 32 hours! Take a second to think about what distinguishes you, as a hacker. Is it your impressive ability to stay (semi) functional for 24 hours on end? Maybe your unmatched ability to maintain a sense of humor, even when the Gods of Code decide to pick on you that day? Or is it your ability to easily process immense amounts of Red Bull? While all of these things are impressive (seriously, props for the no sleep thing), what really distinguishes you hackers from others, is your unparalleled PASSION for what you do. A passion that is derived from a single feeling, and is guided by your need to see that feeling turn into a thought, the thought turn into an idea, and the idea come to life! Welcome to the first season of IoT HackHyderabad, where Things and Cities become Smarter! Hack. Have fun. And win prizes! , this time for a 32-hour hackathon kicking of from Hyderabad on July 23rd and 24th 2016.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects—devices, vehicles, buildings and other items—embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity that enables these objects to collect and exchange data.The IoT allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure,Creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit; when IoT is augmented with sensors and actuators, the technology becomes an instance of the more general lass of cyber-physical systems, which also encompasses technologies such as smart grids, smart homes, intelligent transportation and smart cities. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020.
NON-VERBAL UPDATES (ie: you can’t attend but want to share something)
Don’t forget about the working groups:Want to be a notetaker or chair the next call? Let us know here :)Check out codemoji! learning.mozilla.org/codemoji+1
Highlights for next Mozilla Monday Meeting
IDEAS-FEEDBACK(don’t be shy and add random feedback, questions about the program here) * Please let us know your opinion about this call here!
How we measure interactions with. people. in event
Is there another public mailing list ? I’m asking because it is mentioned in the call that there is a public mailing list for those who are interested !