Rep of the Month November 2015

Please join us in congratulating Dorothee Danedjo Fouba as Rep of the Month for November!

Dorothee has shown amazing leadership in Cameroon - growing that community from zero to over fifty in just one year. By organizing of a series of events and empowering emerging leaders, Dorothee has shown great talent for bringing people together to learn and understand the potential of Mozilla to improve their world. As Tech Women alumni Dorothee also speaks to , and inspires other women technical leaders in their goals for building Mozilla communities across the world.

(The Reps portal currently says “for December 2015”, I reached out to @akatsoulas to fix this)


Congratulations Dorothee!!

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Great work and thank you for your commitment Dorothee.

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Congrats! great work.

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Congratulations and thanks for your hard work!!!

Best regards,
QA Mozilla Hispano Team Responsible

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Dorothee, thank you so much for your wonderful work, what you have done it’s truly amazing! Thank you for the inspiration! It’s an honor to count you among us.

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Thanks a lot for your work for the community, Dorothée!
You are an inspiration for all of us :slight_smile:

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Great… Keep it up all your awesome work :smile:

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Congratulations @Dorothydaf , Keep up the awesome work :slight_smile:

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Hey! félicitations Dorothée :smile:

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