Hello Everyone,
We are moving from the Reps portal to Community Portal day by day, and in doing so, we want to make sure that we have tools and processes in place that enable us to fulfill our Reps role.
Reporting plays a significant role in our Reps life. As the new community portal doesn’t enable Reporting as we were used to, we would like to start the conversation on how we will accommodate Reporting in the future. To do so, we would like to ask you the following two questions:
- How are you using reporting right now?
- Why do you need reporting as a Rep?
With the above questions, we want to understand, “How reporting is serving you as a Rep?”
Just to give you an idea, for example, if you do a translation on Pontoon, you as a Rep, do you need that activity to be reported under the Reps program?
On behalf of the Council