Does the mobilizer role feel like the natural evolution path for Reps?
And what else you would like to see?
I think that since the beginning the Reps were Mobilizers in diverse fields of expertise, more than the natural path to follow, i think that it was their original goal as a program open to everyone to motivate, grow and build communities around their locations. The tools were mostly focused on events, that is why it took the “event driven” nature, but since RepsNext we have seen lots of new tools to support Reps.
I would like to see a educational package (similar to the coaching one) on how new Reps can be trained to mobilize other people, I know that this may seen obvious, but for some Reps at the beginning it was difficult to talk in public, or just simply doesnt feel like to, but that shouldnt limit their potential to bring new volunteers and contributors to Mozilla.
This post is amazing, contain many of the things discussed on RepsNext and in the lasts All Hands! Does the mobilizer role feel like the natural evolution path for Reps?
I like so much the trusted, aligned, committed (I think that is like alumni now) and also the background part. With this kind of definitions we will don’t have anymore people that applicate without any real contribution on the reps side (I saw application filled only with code contributions or only activity on other projects). It’s time to show the real mean of reps that is another step of this kind of actions and lives around the term participation. And what else you would like to see?
I think that is time to do again like last year for the automatic move people to alumni to remove people that is not anymore a mobilizer or a functional rep. In that way we can focus on the right people for that role.
Your opinion on the subject matters, so let us know:
Does the mobilizer role feel like the natural evolution path for Reps?
And what else you would like to see?
Absolutely Yes! Is important make events or other promoting things, but, is more important to drive the local mozilla communities to find and make collaborations with other open source communities, encourage and help the people to build, help and start new open source projects. I love the term “Contamination”. In this situation I mean that we need to be inclusive and build with others open source communities our future, all together, to persecute our goals to maintain the web open, free, and inclusive
Moreover, I think could be a big opportunity for all our volunteers to know, learn and understand how the other open source communities works in local and persecute their goals.
I think could be interesting to have a easy and immediate little website about all news and changes in all the Mozilla Programs that are active and goals. I’m not a reps yet, so, I don’t know what are the tools that I will have in future and which is the necessity that I will have.
Absolutely. Most of us have been doing this in the past in our Rep role, we just didn’t call it “mobilizers”. Having this officially be called “mobilizers” would make it even more clear what Reps is about and that the Reps program does not only consist of people running events, but also mobilizing their communities around our goals, other communities and common interests like the Open Web.
This won’t change once you are a Rep, unfortunately. There is no such thing as “the website for the full truth” right now.
Definitely! IMHO is exactly what we need to grow and build communities around other locations. I’m not a Rep, so I see the program from the outside view, for me the Reps looks like someone who builds/organize a lot of events, but sometimes we need more, we need people that connect people.
More people becoming Reps and doing a great job as mobilizers (and not only organizing events, but helping their communities to grow healthy!)