Council Election
We had a discussion about Council candidates’ answers in the Discourse, and came up to an idea to create a survey after the new Council members onboard.
Regional Coaches
Meeting happened on the next Friday, and Regional Coaches started to reach out communities for initial meetings.
New Coaches
List of new coachees decided. Next steps are changing the new coaches status on the portal to mentors, invite them to the Reps Mentor list and telegram group.
Council Chair
In theory, @rara as the Council Chair until around 20th of September. We decided to extend it until the end of September and by then the new Council is onboarded.
Update after meeting, @mkohler communicated @rara as Council chair until End of september on Discourse (+Wiki).
Reps Issues on GitHub
We still have all our tasks in the Reps GitHub repository, have a look there to get involved and keep up to date with what we’re up to.
Best wishes,
On behalf of the Reps Council