Reps Program OKRs for 1st half of 2020

Hello amazing Reps,
as promised in our All Hands blogpost, here are the Reps OKRs (Objective and Key Results) for the first half the year:

O1: Reps have the resources to guide volunteers to the right activities and/or campaigns based on their interests
KR1: 80% of the Reps are reporting that they know and are able to guide their communities to the right activities and/or campaigns based on their interest
KR2: Groups in the Community portal are reporting ⅘ satisfaction rate from the guidance they got from Reps

This ties with our overall 2020 goal: By the end of 2020, Reps have the resources to guide volunteers to activities and/or campaigns and are able to suggest activities and/or campaigns to the community development team at any given time

The Reps Council members that will work on it are: Shahbaz, Mayur and Prathamesh

O2: Two strategic news items are communicated to active Reps
KR1: Processes are in place to get Mozilla’s goals and direction to Reps
KR2: 80% of the Reps are reporting that they know how to effectively get and pass information to their communities about Mozilla’s direction

This ties to our overall 2020 goal: By the end of 2020, Reps have all the information about Mozilla’s goals and direction and they have the effective tools and processes to pass that information to their communities.

The Reps Council members that will work on it are: Irvin, Shahid and Felipe.

Let us know if you have any questions in the comments below.


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