Results "What does the Reps program mean for you?" poll

Hi Reps,

One of the objectives of 2021 H2 OKRs of Rep program is,

Activate local communities to support the growth of Mozilla, both through activities and events, and “spreading the word” about Mozilla mission, activities, and products.

One of the key results is,

At least 10 Reps tell us that they understand what to do as part of the Reps Program and how these activities contribute to the Mozilla Mission.

Therefore, a little ago, we opened a topic on Discource and asked your opinion. Thanks to all the reps who participated in this.

These are the answers we collected:

I am a member of the Reps program in order to :

I want from the Reps program:

It is good to see that the answers of the reps who have participated are aligned with the goals of the Reps program and the 2021 objectives of the Council.

We can also note that the 2020 objectives , which we put on hold due to all the changes in the (Mozilla) world, are still relevant and need our attention.

In the comments Reps discussed some extra issues that need our attention.

  • The list of active projects at Mozilla (Addon, QA, Testing, Hubs, security…)
  • To be able to report these activities or contributions easily

It shows that the discontinuation of the reps portal is still giving issues.

Active Project listed in the community portal, are the projects on which we are focusing on at this moment Activities - Mozilla Community Portal

Please read Reps/SOPs/Reports - MozillaWiki and Reps reporting - how to use the new forms for details onhow to report your activities.

We agree that visibility is something that needs attention!

Thanks again to all who participated, on behalf of the Council

Tim maks


Yes I think that I didn’t report anything in 2021 as the google form is very uncomfortable.

About the rest :boom: :medal_sports:

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Same here, I have managed local activities every month, but honestly I miss the old portal to submit reports. Today, reporting makes No sense at all. :frowning:

Hi, Yes the reporting system is not perfect. However, most of the activities can be seen in your profile. For example, I can see that you organized event:

Hi Daniele, the google form is only meant for stuff that is not automatically reported in the portal. I am more than open to ideas on how to improve the form :slight_smile:

Yes I know, but we do mainly activities that are not tracked in the community portal.
The issue is not the form itself is the technology that is not good for repetitive form to compile as don’t remember anything or I can’t clone an activity that I did multiple times in a month.

mmm, What kind of activities are you talking about?

We also have the same issue in the Portal, where it would be good to able to duplicate a recurring activity…

Any idea what kind of alternative we could use? (Our issue is that it needs to be easy to maintain, so it does not depend on one person taking care of it…)