When I went to upload the first version of my addon for review several weeks ago it suggested becoming a reviewer/editor. I thought it sounded like fun, so I read all the documentation on it and applied. I haven’t heard anything since. I’ve only asked for a preliminary review, but have only moved about 25 positions ahead, about one to two a day. I’d happily help, but there seems to be just as long a queue to become a reviewer as there is to get an addon reviewed.
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Yes, I haven’t had a chance to review the reviewer application queue for a couple of weeks now. Sorry about that. I’m definitely very interested in all applications and yours hasn’t been lost. I just need to take some time (probably next week) to go over the applications.
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Any chance to get through any?
Not yet (sorry!)
No problem, just am disabled, so I have nothing better to do all day, and would like to help ^_^’
No problem, we are patient