Searching for text in website

Is there a plugin/extension/add-on where you can search in page every 2 minutes automatically and if “text that you want” is there to notifies you ? Something like Ctrl+F , but automatically and when it found match to notifies you ? WITHOUT RELOADING THE PAGE!

I think you should base it on the way people make the “find text and replace all instances” addon. It uses a method to walk the DOM tree in a very performant way. You would simply not do the replacing part, just the searching part. So your version will be simpler.

This is an addon that does this:

You wouldn’t check every 2 minutes, the mutation listener would let you know instantly.

Here are two topics on stackoverflow that explain this in more detail:

I don’t know how to modify it to receive notifications when “searched text” is there.
I need something which is ready, just can’t do it alone.

This seems like a popular need, I’m sure there is an addon that does this. If not let me know and I’ll work with you to teach you how to modify this. We can make it so that it displays a notification unless user dismisses it. We should put Firefox for Android support for it too.

If this project already exists I can show you how to submit pull requests (hopefully they accept it) it so it works for Android too and display notifications until user dismisses (if it doesn’t already do that).

I found this but it is out of date:

Let’s keep searching there has to be one out there.