first of all thanks for sharing your interesting project.
I already intalled your 0.6 and 0.7 version several times. Now as you released the 0.8 I gave it another try but I´m still suffering from various bugs:
First of all while in the setup the wifi setup does not work from a phone browser. The wifi setup is only working if you connect with a PC and finish the setupfrom it.
It stucks in the phone after choosing the right network and adding the network password.
my log view doesn´t show any values… didn´t find out what is wrong with it.
I own two multisensord from Cyrus. The sensors are working perfect with other homeautomation systems and my z-wave dongle. In Webthings it only offers a colour, temp and ambient light sensor but after adding these none of them shows data or values in Webthings. I know Webthings is still in beta state but for most testers it is crucial to have a wide range of sensor available.
It would be nice to have a changelog in the update settings to check what was changed.
Another thing was the gateway domain. As I already installed it before I had to reclaim access to my webthings gateway domain you offer. I enterd the new token and it was hanging in the setup and showed that it is still in progress. after 20 Minutes I skipped the gateway setup and realized it was added finally…
What´s really nice on Webthings is the frontend UI which is far beyond other systems. I hope you keep the work and extend Webthings with much more functions. I don´t want to make promo here but keep an eye on domoticz. It has a huge support for several devices and a lot of functions but is quite unstable on a pi and the UI is kind of oldschool.
I will have an eye on your work will test more and provide feedback if it´s ok
if you are looking for something in productive way, have a eye on I made a evaluation in Dezember 2018 that lead me to the decision to use it if it should be productive. its German i hope you understand it or translate somehow… iot-systeme.pdf (247.8 KB)
The drawback of is that it does not automatically help you install a Let’s Encript certificate. But it has the most adapters available beside openHAB what in my eyes is outdated and complicated. The next upcoming system I’m watching is Its very active.
Sorry about the problem you had with first time setup. Unfortunately Android does not support mDNS so rather than type “gateway.local” it’s necessary to look up the gateway’s IP address on your router and type that into your browser instead. Perhaps that’s the issue you’re seeing?
With regards to the logs, did you add any device properties to log? It will only log the properties you tell it to for as long as you tell it to, and only when their values change. If it’s still not working after adding properties, to log, can you see any errors in your browser console?
Thanks for the suggestion about having a changelog in the UI. Currently you can view the changelog on GitHub.
We have been experiencing some intermittent problems with the API server when registering/re-claiming domains recently and would be grateful for help debugging this. If you manage to consistently reproduce a bug then please file an issue against the registration server repo.
I’m glad you like the UI, keep the feedback coming!
Indeed, I haven’t used one of these sensors yet, and they don’t seem to even be available in North America.
In the /home/pi/.mozilla-iot/log directory you should see a file which starts with zwcfg_ followed by a hex number and with a .xml extension.
If you could send a copy of that file to me (and perhaps the OZW_Log.txt file) then I can see what might involved in supporting that sensor. You can send it to